View Full Version : please please put me out of my missery

11-01-08, 17:36
Hi everyone , i have a inner ear disorder they think.But now im not so sure , im so so confused, today i went out twice and thought i was doing ok , until it was time to go home and i suddenly went all floaty in my head and felt i couldnt walk and my balance went really bad , and felt i was falling.

Now i know that anxiety played a part but was it all anxiety ? or did my inner ear problems make it worse ?
I have asked on here many times about this but I dont feel ive had the answers i need ,and as im on the verge of tears here i feel desperate for answers.

Honestly , does what i explained sound just like your panic attacks , or does it sound like i have something else going on.

I am so down , please tell me.

11-01-08, 17:42
hi Mirry,

with severe panick attacks just after having my daughter, i felt like my head drifted off to another world, like i was looking through clouded goggles and when i ran from the situation i felt like i was very unbalanced and going to fall any moment.

Your inner ear prob must play a part in some of this but alot of it sounds like its due to anxiety, and as you're worrying constantly by the sounds of it that prob makes it worse too.Please try not to worry,

love and best wishes
Cassi xxxxx

11-01-08, 19:13
Hi mirry

I get something similar. Some days I am fine others for no reason I feel completly unbalanced. When is my body going to stop throwing new symptoms at me. Doctors are well known for explaining symptoms that cant be identified accurately as a disorder. I have a life or anxiety disorder, how general is that?

Today I feel really Anxious can't think of a reason why. May be that thought "WHY" is exactly why am am anxious. Wied huh.



geordie flower
11-01-08, 21:13
:) Hiya Mirry, Back in nov 2006 when my dizzyness started my doc said I had labryntitis (sp) and said it was an inner ear disorder and it could last up to 3 months, so he referred me to an ENT specialist. The ENT specialist did quite extensive tests on me and said there was nothing wrong with my inner ear so not labryntitis. Its now jan 2008 and Im no further forward! I still get the dizziness, off balance feelings and stuffy foggy head that sometimes feels so full it could burst! Its ahard feeling to describe its like my heads congested!:wacko: I think Ive finally come to the conclusion now that if I had anything serious it would have surely gotton worse by now or I wouldnt even be here (if you know what I mean :wacko: ) .
Take care love Tracey :flowers: x

celia davies
11-01-08, 22:14
I always suffer from dizziness and feeling like im floating o and the sickness lets not forget that,but sounds like it also could be your ears when you have an infection in your ears you can have vertigo which is not very nice at all xx

11-01-08, 22:24
Hi Mirry, I'm not experiencing dizzy at present while I'm agorophobic but I did suffer frequently in the couple of years before my current bout of anxiety, I used to find that when I was walking in town, my foot would go down but I'd never be quite sure when/if it would hit the pavement and I'd have a sense of staggering and about to fall over. This unnerved me and caused alarm and I used to walk along by shop windows so I had a measure of something perpendicular to guide me on my way. I'd also get it in supermarkets and it seemed to be affected by my vision going from long distance gaze to close up focus on items and make me feel giddy. I used to use a trolley so that I had something to hold me upright. What you explain sounds something like what I had but from your other posts I would guess there is still a lot of explanation owed to you in the light of the medical problems. hope it is sorted soon and you get a satisfactory explanation .