View Full Version : How would I know if I had a chest infection?

11-01-08, 19:26
My cold feels much better today but i have a little tickle in tmy throat, I am coughing up mucus but its clear and it feels like its coming from the throat. I can breath fine etc...

When i had bronchitis last summer i started with a cold and tickly cough then bang 2 weeks later I was ill with bronchitis and its scaring me I will get it again, ive heard of people getting it with every cold after haivng bronchitis once.:weep:

My hubby tried to reassure me and said if i had a proper cough id be coughing uncontrolably (sp) and im not im just coughing now and again when my throat feels full of mucus and then i cough up clear stuff into my mouth (sorry tmi)is he right?

I feel well in myself now and my nose is less runny today, can anyone reassure me about the cough and chest infection? I just can't remember how much i was coughing when i was last ill.

11-01-08, 19:34
Hi Cherry

Green phelmn and a deep chesty cough, may be a high temp, Tierd

I am not a doctor but I assume your body fights off and creates immunity from any illness had before. Keep off the antibiotics if you can as they seem to be linked to superbugs.

Hope this helps


11-01-08, 19:47
Thanks Mee,

I last had anti bs in august for bronchitis and penicillin for throat infection last mth.

Wouldn't i only get a superbug if i went into hospital?lol! I know they say too many anti bs cause you to catch more infections.

12-01-08, 11:55
i dont really get a cough when i have a chst infection, i do get a lot of phelphm but my biggest symptom is feeling like i cant breathe and quite weezy. i think it affects you differently, if you are unsure go and see you doctor. ask him to check you out again, if you were on antibiotics last month it may be possible as you may still be run down etc

hope you feel better


12-01-08, 19:43
Thanks Ruth,

When I had bronchitis I had a nasty cough and a tight chest.

My chest isnt tight at all and the mucus seems to be in my throat and nose.

I have an appointment for wednesday so if no better I will go along and get my chest checked out.

I was on penicillin for a throat infection, it just seems i pick up one thing after another with having 3 children, I am worn out.