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View Full Version : Helpful website

12-01-08, 01:12

I wouldn't normally advertise websites but I felt people should be aware of this one as it's been created by a Professor Roger Baker - Researcher and Clinical Psychologist who works for the NHS.

There is Alot of interesting information including the causes and treatments of Panic Attacks, general anxiety, phobias, thoughts, emotional stress and negative thinking etc.

For instance, one small piece of information that I agree with, is that panic attacks occur due to a build of undealt with stresses that the sufferer is often unaware of and that once those those stresses are treated, the panics also go.

I've also put this in the "links" section but I felt it should also be put here in case it's overlooked.

The address is www.emotionalprocessing.org.uk (http://www.emotionalprocessing.org.uk)

12-01-08, 01:19
Hi Bill - usually (well I think its always actually) you have to ask Nic or a mod whether you can post a link.

I've just had a look at the site, and while its quite applicable to the forum where you posted it, it may not be if someone suffering Health Anxiety were to read all aspects.

Just my opinion as always, but the forums are open to all not just those who read specific posts to specific forums.


12-01-08, 01:38
That's why I addressed the post to Nicola so that if she feels it's inappropriate then I'm quite happy for it and the other post in the links section to be deleted........but in future I'll be sure to ask permission first. Sorry if I've upset any health anxiety sufferers.:hugs:

12-01-08, 01:51
Hi Bill - I've posted a few links myself. As busy as Nic is she always replies to her PM's.

Apologies aren't needed mate, as I have found the site interesting. Just sometimes too much info get us googling when what we really need is less info. Might sound strange, but believe me when I say that info has helped and hindered in my particular case.

In one instance knowing that something was due to Anxiety and having it described made it go away - a huge achievement. Then I read something else and developed a symptom I didn't even know existed after another read.

Information is a double edged blade - hence my recent absence. I was fixing one ailment and fixating on a new one.

Apologies to you my friend - first time back since Nov and my post sounds derogatory. Didn't mean it that way, and as I've posted previously you have my respect.


12-01-08, 02:01
It's ok Krakers,

I wouldn't normally promote a website. You know me, I just try to help but I made a mistake in the approach which I'll remember if there's a next time.

If you think I should delete the 2 threads then I'm quite happy to because I wasn't sure if it was the right approach anyway and I'll pm Nicola instead before I get in trouble!

14-01-08, 19:46
I have looked at the site and am happy to have a link to it from here.

14-01-08, 22:34
Great website Bill - thanks.


15-01-08, 11:00
Pity about the scrappy layout, very hard to navigate. I'd rather just read the whole thing like a book.

16-01-08, 01:45
Yes I agree it's a complicated layout. I had trouble getting around it too.

There has been a book published though. I forget the title but I'm sure the professor wrote it if that's any help. I "think" it's called Emotional Processing.