View Full Version : Forgiving

12-01-08, 01:31
I broke a cup today. I know...terrible, disgraceful!:lac:

It made me think of something though....

If we break a cup, we might swear, then say to ourselves-well, it was only a cup, it doesn't matter too much, it's replaceable, we all make mistakes as we're only human, and then forgive ourselves.

Ok...if someone then came up to us and said-that was my favourite cup! I'm really upset about that, how could you!...we might then feel guilty about what we'd done and so find it harder to forgive ourselves because we'd upset someone.

Ok...what if then someone said-that was a unique cup, extremely valuable, irreplaceable, I'm extremely upset with you for breaking it, I'll never ever forgive you for being so clumsy and useless! Could we then forgive ourselves???

2 ways of looking at it - We listen to their hurt, feel guilty and bad, beat ourselves up for upsetting someone and allow ourselves to hurt ourselves by agreeing with them that we Are useless and Deserve to be punished because we Must be bad for hurting them........OR.......

Remind ourselves it was just an accident, that we're only human, that They should be more understanding that it wasn't done deliberately, that what They think of us is Unimportant because they are being ignorant........so we Should remind ourselves that if it wasn't for them venting Their hurt on us, we Would be able to forgive ourselves.

Therefore, remember, it's not what others think of us that matters because we know we do Our best at all times but we're just as human as anyone else and so we can All make mistakes so we Can allow to forgive ourselves!

12-01-08, 20:29
Hi Bill

I would remind them that if it was so valuable they should have put it out of the way. They should have told me it was expensive. I would remind them it was only a cup and accidents do happen, pay them for my mistake and assume they were having a bad day anyhow.

I would probably get cross at the fact they had put me in this situation. Strange huh. May be a coping mechanism. Then I would follow it with guilt and then beat myself up for having ago at them and why could I not have been more careful. To summerise.

