View Full Version : Hello

01-03-05, 18:55
My name is Chris and I have been suffering with depression and anxiety for a couple of years now.
I have been particularly anxious and panicky over the last 2 months and I have just started taking Citalopram 20mg.
I've also been suffering quite a few of the symptoms I have been reading about in the Forums, tiredness, slight dizziness, trouble with my balance, sleeping badly.
It would be nice to talk to other people who have similar problems and symptoms.


01-03-05, 19:07

Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear that recent times have been especially difficult for you---& hope that the new meds will ease things for you.

You will find lots of help & support here.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

01-03-05, 19:15
Welcome Chris,

You will take a week or two to settle in on the meds so just bear with it .

Do post about specific things if they're bothering you .
have you looked at the home page on symptoms.
It may help explain some of them.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-03-05, 19:20
Hi chris i have started to take these tablets as well, when i started taking them 3 weeks ago i felt awful, really tearful, depressed and very intense feeling that i was going to be sick, i also had bad headaches, they do go though and i feel a lot better, they do help x

01-03-05, 19:55
A BIG warm welcome to you Chris. Sorry to hear you are feeling bad at the mo. You will find lots of help and support here.

Take care

Pip's X

01-03-05, 20:31

Welcome aboard and good to see you here.

The meds may take a while to kick in but stick with them ok.

Hope to hear more from you.


01-03-05, 20:46
Thanks everyone, its nice to meet you all.
I think my latest trouble started with too many lates nights and not enough sleep, I was only getting 4 to 5 hours a night. I'm a mature student studying networking, this was the main reason for the late nights.
Then just after new year my body just crashed and I passed out after two nights of about 3 hours sleep.
After that I was trying to sleep more but had really bad insomnia.
So a few weeks later my doctor gave me Tamazepam for 10 days to try to reset my sleep pattern and it does seem to have worked, I am now getting 6 to 7 hours a night with a lot of dreaming.
Hopefully when the citaopram settle in I will start to improve even more.
I am also on 1 Trazodone 50mg each night which I have been taking for about a year and a half now.
Has anyone else been taking these and if so have you had any problems, also do they mix OK with Citalopram ?
I have been feeling worse since I started the Citalopram which I have been taking now for just over 2 weeks, but I read somewhere that this is usual.
My main problem just now is getting really panicky and tired when driving and also a dizzy feeling at times such as when being on an esculator, and also wobbly when walking but only at certain times.
I could go on for ages giving more details but I'll leave it at that for now.



01-03-05, 21:10
Welcome to the site!! Hope we can help..:D

01-03-05, 21:49
Hi Chris

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-03-05, 22:48
Hi Chris

Weclome aboard. I am on the same meds as you and this is my second try with them after side affects. Could kick myself now as they have helped me so much, i at last can cope with life (with the help of the site) and can nearly be me. Hope it works out for you mate, let us know how it is going.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

01-03-05, 22:56
Hi Chris

A big welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place trust me.

Take care

Elaine x

02-03-05, 00:42
hi chris welcome to the site

02-03-05, 10:35
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

02-03-05, 11:43
Hi Chris
Welcome to the site, you will find this site extremely helpful and everyone is very friendly.
Take care

02-03-05, 14:39
Hi Chris
Welcome to the site. I'm sure you will find plenty of help and support from everyone here to get you through this difficult times.
Take care

09-03-05, 22:28
Me again, I think the citalopram is starting to have an effect, I'm starting to fell slightly better and I'm getting some confidence back about things including driving.
I've been taking it for four weeks now and it did make me feel slightly worse around week 2 and 3, but I think its starting to pay off.
I've got an appointment with the community mental health team nurse next week to assess and advise me about my recent problems, I'll try anything to not feel like that again.


09-03-05, 22:31

We wondered where you went!!

Hope it continues to work for you.


09-03-05, 22:36
Hi Nicola,
I'm still here, just been very busy this last week, it hasn't been easy but I'm determined to get on top of this.


09-03-05, 22:45

Good attitude to have and I am sure you can beat it

Hope you are ok?


09-03-05, 22:47
Hi Chris

Im on the same tablet and it made me feel alot worse before it helped me.

But once got used to it i feel a lo better and cant believe when i look back how bad i was.

Hope it does the same for you.

Take care and best of luck as it seems to be kicking in now hon.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

09-09-07, 18:23
Hi Chris.
Ive been on Trazodone for about 9 weeks,100mg at night.To be honest i dont know if they work or not because its very difficult to work out how i feel with all the varying symptoms going on. My symtoms seem to change daily and to be fair i know that i am alot better now than i was 10 weeks ago.One side effect with trazodone for me is lack of libido but since im nearly 51 doesnt bother me too much:blush:.Each person is different with medication and i would sugesst that you use your gut instinct.

I have posted here to see if any other members are on this drug because i think i really want to come off it.

Good luck Chris