View Full Version : Tips for dealing with Stress in school?

12-01-08, 20:11
Hi everyone,

I'm back for my last semester in school and we animation students are required to make a final animation project. I have a lot more classes than I had before and I haven't had this big of a workload since I started having PAs.

I went to the meeting where the requirements for the final project are laid out and I was like "Oh...great..." It's doable, and I know I can do it, but ugh, the stress of it all. I am a big procrastinator too. I get panicky sometimes when too many things are due and there's too many assignments to juggle.

But all these classes and things ARE required and I have to take them to graduate. And I HAVE to graduate this spring because all the relatives are coming! (How's this for black and white thinking? :D)

So anyway I was just looking for advice on good ways for anxiety and PA sufferers to deal with this kind of stress. (And I can't drop anything, either, I have to face this head on. :D)

13-01-08, 14:26
It was a long time since I went to school! But if I have lots of things at work to do that tends to send me a bit panicky and I dont know where to start.

The best thing I do is to make a list of what I have to do, so it is physically written out in front of me. That helps me a lot, especially when I complete something and can cross it off the list.


13-01-08, 19:58
Hi Gryphoenix,

I suggest you make lists of what work you need to do and then prioritise it. Take short breaks frequently when working and also give yourself time to relax too. Make sure you plan things to look forward to as well as the work which will help keep you refreshed.

Take care,

Mike :)

19-01-08, 21:34
Thanks guys, the list thing in particular seems to really help. I think I might be taking too many short breaks, lol! :D But yeah, I understand the importance of relaxation time too, I'm trying my best not to procrastinate and I see a difference in my anx.

20-01-08, 12:00
great advice from nibbles and lilith. i was at college 2 years ago andhad tons of work. making a list was a great way for me to get my head round what i had to do. Also instead of thinking about it as a great mass of endless tasks try breaking it down in to small bits to tackle at a time. This will also help with not putting it off. Also making sure you get plenty of sleep as feeling tired all day makes things so much harder.
Take care and i hope it all goes well for you