View Full Version : I just give up!

01-03-05, 20:30
Yesterday I had a really great day. I felt real again for the first time in months. I actually felt like the world was a safe place, everything was not my imagination.
I thought I was finally getting better and it filled me with hope, that beautiful emotion.
Today....I feel just as bad as before.
I just dont get it! Why!
Nothing stressful happened...I just woke up feeling completely 'out of it'. My thoughts were racing out of control, nothing existed again.
It has remained like that all day.

Am I ever going to get better?
After feeling so good yesterday, it has made today feel even worse

01-03-05, 20:32
Sorry, jude. :( Sometimes it seems that having a good day can start you thinking that it just has to end, ya know, and then the next day you will feel that.

Is there anything specifically stressing you out that you're not dealing with?

01-03-05, 20:35
Jude - this is how it goes to start with. You're doing just fine .

Of course you're going to be better. The fact that you realised that you'd improved shows that you had improved in order to see the blip.... it is disappointing but it happens regularly for a while.

We had a chart somewhere ..

sleep / food/ drink / worried thoughts

Watch for the postie tomorow .. packet sent today

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-03-05, 20:39

I only started getting better about 4 years ago and up until then I had 7 years of feeling bad all the time and never getting any relief.

Once you start to understand things better it starts to ease but I am still not over it yet and I still have those anxious panicky feelings and wonder if I will ever be entirely over it.

I just have to keep hoping that one day it will go forever and I will be able to drive anywhere and do anything.

I can feel for you so take care and sending you a hug. Tomorrow will be brighter ok?


01-03-05, 20:51
You never fail me. Its so comforting to know I can come here when I feel bad, and find you all here to support me.
I feel as if I am moving in the right direction, but it is so frustrating at times and such hard work.
Thanks for sending the sample Meg, It will give me something to look forward to tomorow morning x

01-03-05, 21:58
These blips are a pain aren't they.
It feels like you are taking 2 steps forward and then 6 back, and you can't understand why.

The fact that you noticed how good you felt proves that you are making a recovery.

It is common to have a bad day after a really good day.

Hang in there hun, it will get better again.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

01-03-05, 22:30
hey jude,
i so know what you mean - i am having that all the time at the moment, one day good, the next day bad.
do you keep a diary? i find it really helps me to look back at positive entries when i'm having a bad one - it reminds me that it's not the end of the world and that tomorrow might be a bit better.
hope you feel better tomorrow,
henri x

01-03-05, 22:50
Hi Jude

Remeber how well you have felt and this is just a blip a reminder how you were and how much stronger you are now.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

01-03-05, 23:07
Wow, you guys gave great advice. I feel like I should put my foot in my mouth for even asking if there was anything else going on.
Accept my apologies, jude.

02-03-05, 09:01
Hi Jude

Yesterday was just a blip, the trouble is when you have a really good day and then feel terrible the next day it seems like you are worse than before, due to the fact that feeling a lot better makes you feel normal( if that makes any sense to you).
I have been there many times and gradually the amount of good days overtake the bad days.

Take care

Elaine x

02-03-05, 10:42
i know how u feel, I feel great for weeks and then all of a sudden down i go with a bang and it starts again, But i will try and take my mind of it or if i get a pain ill say to myself its okay u have had this before and u were fine and the pain will go away.

I am determined not to let it beat me this time it has before and it wont again.

02-03-05, 12:15
hi we all get these days i have 1 really good day start getting over confident then 2 bad days will hit me, dont worry you will get out of them eventually, just remind yourself things will get better

fan x

02-03-05, 14:06
Hiya Jude
I've been just the same last few days, and in time you will have more good days than bad. You're doing so well, so keep going.
Take care

02-03-05, 14:13
Hi Jude

Hope you are feeling a lot better today hon.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

02-03-05, 14:16
Thank you all for your support. I feel better today than yesterday. Not 100%, but not as awful as yesterday.
I think I must try to stop rushing this. I want so much to be 'well' that its a big disappointment when I have an awful day.
I have been shopping today, and to the garden centre, it was not easy, but I know the more I do it, the easier it will get. Living with the DP/DR is getting easier most of the time, but sometimes it just gets the better of me.

Sorry, dont know your name. I appreciate every reply I get to my posts, yours included. Please dont apologies, we are all at different stages of this illness, and feel it in different ways. There is no fixed rule or answer. I also asked myself whether any anxiety,conscious or unconscious, could have caused such a bad day. This was my first reaction too.

Thanks again everyone. You are all a tower of strength.

Jude x

02-03-05, 15:15
hi jude. Same here like most of the rest who relied. after a good day or 2 when u get up to a bad day it realy makes u think nothing is happening so depressing too. but think back? at one time we had no good days? so to get good days we are getting there? having bad days I think teaches us more skills on coping with it. I got up this morning and didnt feel to bad. then all of a suden out of nowhere i feel realy anxious, shaky and all tight chest. I does seem to happen out of the blue? But then i think back and realise there was a time when we had no good days at all, and we will get more better days untill all the days are good. Take care. Vernon

02-03-05, 17:55
Thanks, jude. I hope you are having a better day today.

03-03-05, 16:27
How are things with you today? Better i hope.
Take care

03-03-05, 22:47

I think its really important to remember those good days, but also how they then evaporated, but then you bounced back again?

Train your mind to realise that this awful thing goes in a cycle.

I think our minds are very sensitive, and much of the suddeness of our anxiety is fed by subconcious thoughts we are not aware of, or perhaps thoughts by association.

I've had a bad February with no good days, but at least I know why that is, and am confident that I can soon have good spells rather more often. I had a series of two weeks on, two weeks off last summer so that thought is always in my mind as spring gets closer.
