View Full Version : chest pains still worrying me

13-01-08, 18:36
My chest pains from the other night are still worrying me, I can breath ok but it is like a constant dull pain which i noticed on Friday at work when I was sat at my desk. It is seriously annoying and I have huge fears of PE and Terminal cancer, you name it I think I am dying from it.

Now I can't have PE because I have not had DVT and it would hurt to merry hell I am sure, this is just a dull annoying pain accross my chest and it appears to extend to the back as well. I am hoping it's muscular but it is so worrying I am doing my head in very fast, I can't sleep and just gorging on food. It's like being back at the beginning of things. I thought if it was something serious that it would be continious but it appeared to have vanished Saturday in the day but came back last night...I was playing Tiger woods Golf on the Wii swinging around like a loonatic.

My brain is in a war telling me I am being silly, but I am hating the discumfort from this achey feeling. Sorry to go on about it just seeking for comfort. I just don't want to go back to the docs and I know I an kiss getting off any time to do that! Everything is just so sore I am feeling myserable

Anyway thats me :)

Take care,

13-01-08, 18:56
I have that same feeling on and off all the time. Whenever I tell my doctor or my osteopath i am told it is muscular and nothing to worry about. I do have tension in my upper back which is why i am seeing the osteopath and he says that tension you hold in your back affects the chest muscles too as they are all closely connected.
Most of the time i ignore it but sometimes it gets the better of me and i get panicky thinking it must be soemthing wrong with my heart/lungs. If you press on your chest muscles and the bony part between your breasts you may find they are tender and sore which indicates it is muscular. Hope that helps
Donna x

13-01-08, 19:17
That sounds muscular.
I've had pains that run from my shoulder blades, to my shoulders, down my arm and in my chest. Diagnoses:- Muscle pain!

If you can breath and you are able to type fine, i am guessing its not a life threating problem :)

13-01-08, 19:25
Hi there,

Defo sound like a pulled muscle or such to me too. I have had it myself and i know how scarey it can be.

Try some pain killers and a deep heat for a few days.
