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View Full Version : Quick question

13-01-08, 20:24
Firstly just wanted to say what a fantastic job you do running this Forum.

What plans do you have for re opening medical tests? /have you had any success in recuiting doctors?

Kind Regards

14-01-08, 00:21

14-01-08, 18:38
Hi John

Most qualified medical professionals don't have time to do this as well as their daily job or they want paying for their time.

I haven't really got any ideas of how to contact people and ask for help - I am sure that most GP's wouldn't be interested.

I am open to ideas to get people on here so please fire away with any thoughts as it would really help us a lot.

14-01-08, 20:02
I have to agree with you Nic as I have certified professionals helping out on my phobia forum and they dont manage to get on all that often. Its not good for the members to be waiting around for an answer but as you say they lead busy lives. The only way is having lots of professionals helping out, that way you might get a speedier service but getting so many presents a problem in itself.

15-01-08, 15:34
Good point, just thought I'd ask