View Full Version : My latest worries!

13-01-08, 22:52
If its not one thing its another!
My latest worries are my pulse rate, I know that a slow pulse rate can be common but mine gets low in the evening and I get a low bzz in my ears and it makes me panic.
Also my bowels have been messed up. I have always had problems with IBS but now I have undigested food in my stools as well and feel bloated alot more than usual.
I really really just want to have a day, or week or month where nothing seems to be wrong, I just wanna feel healthy!!!!!!!!!!!

13-01-08, 23:18
Hi there,

you are paying too much attention to things that are not a problem (thats ha for you). I never take my bp or pulse as i was once told that the only person who should be bothered about these is your doctor. The only time i would bother about mine is if i didn't have one :D
IBS is a pain, but most people don't check whats come out, just are glad that it has :blush:
You are fine, honestly, take it from an old hand at this ha lark,

anx xx

13-01-08, 23:37
Thanks anxious. It is so hard not to focus on things. I really need to throw my BP monitor away!

13-01-08, 23:48
You definitely should throw it away!
My mother said to me once when she caught me, if you are able to keep taking your blood pressure and pulse, there's not much wrong with you.

Its true though, isn't it.
The ONLY time i take my BP is if i am feeling really dizzy or headachey. Batteries have run out so i can't use it at all, i am not replacing them this time.

I have funny noises in my ears. The other day my hearing went all echoey, it was really scary. I think it was because i'd rammed a cotton bud down there.

How slow is your pulse and what is your BP? My BP sits at 50/86 ish, so quite low.

13-01-08, 23:49
nice to meet you, if only for a few minutes in chat. Throw the damm thing away :D

love anx xx

13-01-08, 23:50
DON'T start compairing rates or i will be after you,

anx xx

13-01-08, 23:54
I was trying to say, that my BP is low, but i am not concerned about it.

14-01-08, 00:31
Well I am on meds for high bp so it is usually under 110/70 but my pulse rate is in the 50's and sometimes high 40's. I can really notice when my pulse is low but my doctor says that people with anxiety tend to feel things alot stronger than others.

14-01-08, 00:35
Sounds perfectly healthy to me.
