View Full Version : More than nervous

14-01-08, 01:29
My daughter is scheduled to have 8 teeth surgically removed the week after next and is scheduled to have general anesthesia. The general is what has me worried. I'm just scared to death about something happening.

I'm trying to get someone to go with me to keep me company in the waiting room but I may have to go by myself. She is my only child and I don't want anything bad to happen. I just want her to come out of it. Not sure how long it's going to take but I'll be on pins and needles the whole time.

14-01-08, 07:59
o cherie , i know how worrying this is but really she will be fine :hugs: ,
my son had this done and with him having many acute life threatening allergies they were concerned that he may react to the general , so i was in a terrible state. But he was fine , absolutely fine :winks: .

Whilst he was having it done we went for a cup of tea and of course i was in a daze , but by the time we got back to the ward he was wheeled in and woke really quick. So maybe you should go for a walk or something whilst its being done to help with the time?

she will be in safe hands dont you worry :hugs: .

14-01-08, 09:06
Hi Cheri,

I hope it all goes ok, I will be in a similar situation to you this time next month and I am already putting myself in a state about it. I know what you mean about going under general anesthetic but she will be monitored very closely! I think you normally have the person administering the anestheic and then an assistant so 2 pairs of eyes.

Hopefully you can get a friend to come with you so you can have a chat whilst you wait and try and take your mind off things. Or take a book, sadly it's going to be hard but this is these guys day jobs they do this hundreds of times. Oooh yes and I had my wisdoms out under general and that took a couple of hours...hopefully it might be a similar timescale but don't feel you can't ask them. Maybe give them a call and enquire prior to the operation.

Best of luck and I am sure it's all going to be ok.
Take care,

14-01-08, 23:32
Mirry, I won't be able to take a walk. Someone (me) has to be in the waiting room for the entire time. Hopefully not long. I'm trying to find a friend to go with me but so far no luck.

The worst part is just this waiting and thinking about it. I can't seem to think about anything else.

24-01-08, 19:56
The surgery was this morning and it went very well. I waited in the lobby and the whole thing took approximately 45 minutes. I time it in 15 minute increments.

I have to say the worst thing about this whole thing was the week of anticipation and worrying. My mind was going places it shouldn't with all the worst case scenarios.

I wish I knew what to say to help other people but I don't. It's easier to say not to worry and everything will be alright than it is to believe it.

That said, L is resting comfortably and home recuperating and watching movies.:)