View Full Version : pacing the floor with worry

14-01-08, 12:03
my hospital appointment is at 4pm today and i am really worried about what they will say ,its my 4th consultation there and he is trying to find out what is wrong with me , im terrified its something serious , i just wish a had a diagnosis. Going to have a long soak in the bath to try to calm myself.
thanks for listening :hugs:

14-01-08, 12:13
Good luck for today.

I want to say "try and relax" but easier said than done...

If it was something serious, i am sure it would have been found out by now.


14-01-08, 12:13
Its awful having a late afternoon apt cos the anxiety builds up too much

Wishing you luck

Love Joy

14-01-08, 12:25
yes im sure they would of bluebell , i must remind myself of that :blush: .

Joy, I know its a really long day waiting for it, just want answers now cos im fed up with it.

thanks for the replys :hugs:

14-01-08, 12:42
I hate it when they make appointments so late in the day :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: hope it all goes ok :flowers:

14-01-08, 12:43
Good luck mirry


14-01-08, 13:50
nearly there!

14-01-08, 14:06
hope you get some answers today mirry.

good luck mate

thinking of you

dawny xxxxxx

14-01-08, 14:21
Hope today goes well for you Mirry, will be thinking of you


Trac xx

14-01-08, 14:37
Hi it is strange how different we all think about situations, I am the opposite, I dont mind going to hospital because I'm alwayd looking for answers

Good luck

14-01-08, 15:47
Good Luck! I hope you come back with good news!

14-01-08, 17:44
hi mirry
wishing you lots of luck
hope everything goes well
thinking of you hun

14-01-08, 20:17
Any news Mirry

Love Joy

14-01-08, 20:23
I agree John i look forward to going its the waiting which drives me crazy. i even want the docs to find something rather than hear that everythings clearand ok which i know its not! ive an appointment with a nurologist next friday as they think i may be anxious because of my symptoms! (ive been telling them that for 5 months) and they think its my nervous system so obviously im stressing its going to be MS!!!! just wish i could go now and get a diagnosis and then i can start to fight whatever they find.

Anyway hope that your appointment went well today

14-01-08, 20:41
How did it go Mirry?

love anx x

14-01-08, 20:53
Hope everything went okay for you today Mirry.

Take care x

14-01-08, 21:26
Loads of http://th220.photobucket.com/albums/dd281/ama1960/th_HUGS.giffor you Mirry,

Hope your appointment went well for you - unfortunately they're a necessary evil we must endure in order to get the answers we seek, aren't they?

Lots of love to you too xxx xxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


14-01-08, 21:58
Hi guys , well i went and he checked my nystagmus (eyes jumping) and said he feels that i dont have MS (as we worried) and it significantly points to a rare type of migraine that doesnt cause headaches . So i sat there with my hubby and said "oh ive only got a migraine" lol.

The specialist looked at me and said , its not a usuall migraine , its a neourological disease that is a cousin of the migraine, but it effects my brain in a different way , it inteferes with my balance and gives me proper vertigo and head spins , but no headache. It can give symptoms constantly for days or months.
People who suffer it can not tollerate crowds or busy envioroments , and are sensitive to motion.

It usually causes anxiety and panic due to the severe symptoms.
I have to try some pills to see if they help, if not i will try some others.

I still have a little worry in my head that maybe hes wrong and i do have ms , lol.:blush:

14-01-08, 22:01
Well I am glad that it isnt MS! But I know it will be hard for you not to worry still.

14-01-08, 22:04
Aaw, glad you've got your answer at last Mirry - now all you gotta do is believe it lol!!:winks: :blush:

So happy the outcome wasn't as serious as you anticipated - everything crossed for the new pills to do the job eh?

lotsaluv xxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


14-01-08, 22:17
well at least it is nothing bad! :D Hope the new pills are going to help :) :)

15-01-08, 09:50
Well done Mirry..what a wait for you hun:hugs: that is unusual isnt it..trust one of us on here to get the unusual migraine hun:wacko: gosh it answersa lkot of questions for you too hun..so if these tablets work you will be sympton free with a bit of luck..FABULOUS!Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-01-08, 13:04
lol paddie , and thanks everyone for the support:hugs: .

what really amazed me was that all the horrible symptoms i was getting taht were really bad could be related to a rare migraine.
When the specialist said its a neurological disease , my face dropped in horror lol.

But i actually think alot of people on here have this and dont know it , it causes floor moving , visual disturbances , loss of balance (difficulty walking)
blurrey vision, motion intollerance, positional vertigo, jumping eyes,
faint feelings and tunnel vision, and then you get the anxiety and panic with it :wacko: .

If i can help just one person get an answer to this nightmare then i will be happy :flowers:

15-01-08, 13:10
Glad its ok Mirry,

love anx x

Pink Panic
15-01-08, 13:46
Hi Mirry

I just caught up with this thread and wanted to say that i'm glad you got the answers hun and i hope the tablets work for you.
It must be a great relief to at last be getting the the bottom of this.

Love & Hugs