View Full Version : Hi all! Thought I'd post this for any migraine aura (vision probs etc) sufferers!

14-01-08, 13:20
Hi there
For those of you that remember me :yesyes: HI!!!:yesyes:

I haven't been here for a while as I've been doing really well - no panics since Dec'05 - and sticking to my CBT teachings which has helped me no end!

I just wanted to share this with any of you that get migraines.

One of the (many!!!) things I used to worry about was my odd visual disturbances - loss of part of my visual field, flashing zig zag patterns which caused me not to be able to see a great deal and lasted up to 30-45 mins. I sometimes had problems understanding speech and talking during this time too - scary! I now know them to be migraine auras - Doc confirmed once I described it in detail and draw her a pic of it! (I wasn't sure what it was for ages as I don't get a thumper of a headache afterwards anymore - just a mild headache and a washed out/ tired spaced out feeling)

I really think that for any of us that suffer with migraines, silent migraines (like me) or classic migraines (migraine preceded by aura) the first time the aura happens is horribly scary and debilitating and I found when I was trying to describe the sensation to people who did not have migraines I was met with a blank look and "ahh it's panic etc"

Anyway in the hope of trying to find out more about aura migraines (btw the visual disturbance is called a "scintillating scotoma" which means "flashing blind spot") I came accross these web sites. They have video on them that shows what a scintillating scotoma actually looks like and is REALLY helpful when trying to explain it to people who have never had one before or are scared there is something really seriously wrong with them - as I did!

There is a whole abundance of migraine art too where people are inspired to draw theirs!

Anyway, when I get one now, i take 2 paracetamol (just in case I get the following headache) and just wait for it to pass - which it does but it's still unpleasant. But a lot better now i know what it is!

Here are links to the websites



Mine is usually more like the second one!

Anyway hope you all have a great day today!

13-03-08, 23:54
Thank you very much for sharing. I get migraines with the aura and sometimes just the aura. They can be really scary. I am always convinced I am having a stroke. I have to try and stay calm and just sleep.

14-03-08, 01:01
Hi Claire :)

Thank you soo much for this info, ohh boy, well worth reading and looking at.

I do not suffer migraines that ofter, but, have had them on and off for years. I have always know that my vision problems was due to migraines, but have NEVER seen this on tv, so to speak, ohh it was great looking at this, the other info was very intresting too, :yesyes: :yesyes:

It is great to hear how well you are doing with CBT, WELL DONE.

Thank you again for sharing



14-03-08, 10:14
Thanks for the info.

It is funny how a migraine can manifest itself. I'm sure it is another contribution from our friend old Anxiety!

For me, the aura is quite frightening (or was until I knew it was migraine).
I can be fine one minute, not even anxious about anything (consciously anyway) and then all of a sudden, I notice that it's as though I am wearing 'blinkers' normally just at the side of one eye. If I hold my hand in front of my face at arms length and look at my index finger, I can't see the one next to it, and so on. This will become progressively worse (with no indication of a headache as yet), Although I can see, my field of vision is restricted. Driving is normally out of the question. Interestingly enough, my concentration is very much affected as well as speech. Difficulties arise in even trying to remember or say my own address!!

This will normally last until I notice slight headache on whatever side which will develop into a migraine when the visual disturbances have by then disappeared. I have noticed that taking Migralieve tablets (UK) and the onset of the aura, will do nothing to improve the visual problem but they do make the headache less severe and easier to tolerate. So unpredictable is an attack that I always carry these tablets in the car as well as at home.

One point of interest, is that my Mother also suffered from migraine and also anxiety problems which in turn leads me to believe that not all anxiety is self induced to coin a phrase.
