View Full Version : new girl

14-01-08, 13:42
Hi my name is becky im 21 yrs old and live in London, I have suffered with general anxiety and panic attacks for 4 months now, have jus started taking citalopram and propranolol last week but I feel awful!
Just wanting to talk to people in my situation who understand what Im going through as my family are finding it difficult to understand. Tc everyone becky

14-01-08, 13:50
Hi Becky,

Welcome to NMP!!
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
You will find loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

14-01-08, 14:03
Hi Becky,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

14-01-08, 14:24
Hi Becky,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

14-01-08, 14:53
Welcome to NMP Becky :)


14-01-08, 15:21
Hi Becky and welcome to the forum :D


14-01-08, 15:37
Hi Becky,

just wanted to say that i have read one of your other posts and what you experience sounds very similar to me. I know how scary and frightening the worry that goes with this is, im sure if i wasnt constantly worrying that something is baout to happen then it wouldnt happen and id be fine again.

If you ever wanna chat just private message me.

Cassi xxx

14-01-08, 15:56
Hello Becky And Welcome I Wish Ya Well........linda

14-01-08, 16:06
hi becky welcome to nmp you will find lots of good advice and info on this site everyone really freindly too in chat room i do not what your going through im the same well we all are look forward to speaking to you:yesyes: imalso new to the forum but have made alot of friends already take care chick :)

14-01-08, 18:21
Hello Becky:welcome:to you!

Yes, the side effects from Citalopram can be pretty awful - they were for me.

But try and stick with it, I did and don't regret it. Once the medication 'gets into your system' you should find things settle down. How long this takes can be vastly different from person to person, but for me it was about three weeks. Some take more, some considerably less - and some do not have any side effects at all!

Glad you decided to join us - you'll find loads of help and advice here! Have you had a look at the links on the left of this page? Some good info there.

Pleased to meet you!


14-01-08, 21:30
Hi Becky and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

19-01-08, 17:50
Hi Becky

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.