View Full Version : Full Blood Count

14-01-08, 17:42
H i everyone
i was wondering wether anyone could answer this question for me as i,m a bit confused:blush:
i had my bloods taken on weds,and phoned today for the results.
the receptionist said that my fbc was fine but my iron was low AGAIN!
has anyone ever had the same?
i have suffered from really heavy periods for years so this is why the iron is low but i,m just confused about the blood test results
i would be grateful for any answers

14-01-08, 17:58
I am defintely not an expert but go to labtestsonline.org It tells alot there.

14-01-08, 18:04
I have had the exact same results, Full count, normal but iron slightly on the low side. So I had another couple of bloods done(Arm by this time really sore) and everything was fine.

Sorry I can't help any further

14-01-08, 22:12
What the receptionist should have said was your full blood count was okay so you are not aneamic it must have been between 12-15 BUT your ferritin level which is your iron stores are low. YOu can have low iron but not be aneamic if you see what I mean. What happens is to keep you blood count up your body is using up its iron stores - once its used up its iron stores then you get aneamic so if you take iron tablets to keep your iron stores up then you won't get aneamic.

Some people are much better at extracting the iron from food than others or they eat a diet with more iron in it.

I have dysfunctional uterine bleeding due to perimenopause but my iron stores and blood count is wonderful???????!!!! Weird.

19-01-08, 19:48
My FBC is always normal but my ferritin is low at 30, has been alot lower over the last year so I am on iron.

You do not have to be anaemic to have low iron, your iron stores can be very low before you would get anaemic.

20-01-08, 20:02
hi cherry
thankyou for replying
it does help to know were not alone