View Full Version : Help with memory

14-01-08, 21:22

I have started noticing that when I have a weekend and my work mates ask me what I did at the weekend I really struggle remembering what I did. It makes me panic and I try to visulise the events from leaving work on friday. I do remember most thing eventually.

On Sunday we went to the lakes for a walk. I fell asleep in front of the telly after a good dinner and woke up at 4am. I remember thinking I felt achey and tried to remember why...I could only remember going to the lakes but not the name of the lake. I spent one hour trying to remember the name of the lake and when it eventually came to me I tried to visualise it and chant it and then I tested myself at certain times in the day and most time I had forgot. I have tried to remember other things I did that weekend or even the previous weekend I am am panicking as I cant remember. I dont feel too bad as my wife is struggling also. I am extra worried as my mother has dementia and I have seen her loose all her fauclties.

Also when I am talking to people I find my self filling in with "you know" or thing-a-me-bob, or racking my brain for the name of something.

I have to say when I forget something I panic and this makes it even worse to remember.
Anyone else who is young, suffer from this.


14-01-08, 23:18
I find the more stressed I am the less I can remember.

I was also going to say I used to know the answer to this one :sign20:

14-01-08, 23:40
Hi hun

This happened to me with stress, i dont think it has nothing to do with losing you memory but more that your mind is pre occupied with how you are feeling. When we feel down or anxious our minds are consumed with that and the good times of what we have done and what we are thinking are dismissed by negative thoughts that we cant dismiss.

14-01-08, 23:47
I'm a second year psychology student and my tutor has done a lot of research into memory in people with depression and anxiety. Basically, you're so caught up in being anxious or depressed that your brain hasn't got the capacity to remember things aswell! Nothing wrong physically but it's horrible mentally!

I do the same thing as you and try and remember things by thinking about them over again and getting worked up if I can't remember them :(! I also miss out words and type things wrong etc etc It's a horrible part of anxiety but one you will overcome!

15-01-08, 12:07
I'm the same - the more stressed I am the less I can remember. I even forget the name of the person I'm talking too. I once did that to a relative who I am very close too. Luckily she is very understanding and caring and didn't bat an eyelid, just told me her name and carried on with the conversation!!!

Stop worrying so much, write list if you need to.


16-01-08, 20:52

I feel better today as I have been testing myself with things I did yesterday and the day before. Much better, and strangley it reduces the anxiety as I am concentrating on concentrating, if that makes sense. I am just scared to death that I will get a memory problem like my mum.


16-01-08, 21:31
Hi I am VERY forgetfull. I was looking all over the house the other day for a letter that i hadnt opened. I started getting stressed out because i couldnt find it. About 2o mins after lookin for it i remembered ide read it and shredded it:wacko: .Also when ive been shoppin i forget ive been and my oh will say have u forgot owt, imlike no why, even though theres loads of bags in the boot. :) I dont know if its funny or whether i should be worried.

16-01-08, 22:30

It seems to me you have got reason to be forgetful if your nickname is anything to go by. Having 3 Kids to look after can b very time consuming, add anxiety and I am surprised you can think of anything. My wife suffers, she writes everything we do down as we have three kids also. I cannot begin to understand how she copes. I would not know what to do if she wasn't here.
