View Full Version : I Hate this!!!!!

14-01-08, 21:29
Quick background on this.
I had my baby in June and developed severe high blood pressure during delivery and afterwards. THe same thing happened with my first wo but within months my blood pressure went back to normal and I got off meds. This time I am almost at 8 months and STILL on meds!
I have tried to wean myself down but everytime I do my BP goes back up. Today I just took half of my pill and my BP went up to 125/80. I know that is not really high but for me it is. I am use to 105/65. So I took the other half pill.
I keep taking my BP as usual and waiting for it to come down. I cant stop. I hate this machine but without it I would be a wreck. I have tried to have it hidden but ended up going o the hospital but I was in such a panic not knowing my blood pressure.
I dont think I am ever going to get off medication :weep: I just want it to go back to normal and to be able to live without it attached to my arm!!!!!
I am still a mess because I think my pressures are too high right now. I HATE THIS!

14-01-08, 21:59

A lot of this is you winding yourself up.

I guarantee you that I can sit here and take my blood pressure and make it rise cos I will be saying to myself "oh god it will be high, I know it will" etc etc

You are making the readings high by worrying and constantly taking it.

It is not high at all so you are not at any risk in any case

What did they say at the hospital?

14-01-08, 22:03
I didnt just go to the hospital but when I did, they told me I was fine and go home basically.
I really wish I knew how to get control of this.

15-01-08, 14:55
Same problem today :(
I am completely focused on my blood pressure and the anxiety is HUGE!
Please help!!!!

15-01-08, 15:03
Hi Alison,

Fixating on your Blood Pressure can only have a negative effect on you.
Your stated reading falls well within normal bounds.
Until you "let go" of this,you cannot move forward.
Sometimes the easiest advice is the hardest to implement. You are fine and your BP is healthy.Start telling yourself to accept this.
Best wishes,