View Full Version : Sorry

15-01-08, 00:36
All the stuff lately, I've been in a rage.

I'm being messed about by the system while scroungers get help immediately.

I know some people don't like what I have to say about that but last time I checked I still had freedom of speech. I do retract my comment about my skin tone, cos I have a mate of Senegalese parentage and he's needing an operation to try and reconstruct his knee that he badly damaged playing football and he's been waiting forever too, but he used to work for a living you see...genuine case same as me.

I'm "last in the queue". I need help, need it like now and they tell me to wait and wait and wait and wait. I did everything by the book, went to my GP, told him I was getting worse and needed to see a CPN, psychologist, occupational therapist, etc again. I NEED to talk to these people ASAP, drugs don't make my demons go away. Maybe professional guidance on how to confront them will?

This government and some health trusts ARE a shambles. Do you know if I was a smackhead (one drug I ain't touched btw) there are over 10 different organisations in this county alone that want to help you get better - fact!

I'm just frustrated,

You DO know what frustration is don't you? It consumes you and turns you into a raging fiery dragon that spits out fire in all directions.


15-01-08, 01:34
Does a "smackhead" (btw. that is NOT a term i would use to define a drug dependent person) not deserve help because her/his problem is an addiction?

I've been waiting flipping ages for help. It will be 27 months before i get CBT, so far i have seen my GP back in Aug. 2006 and had an assessment, i've not even had any help!!! I don't get mad because what does that do? Ranting and raving will get you no where. I NEED HELP NOW TOO. Since i went to see my GP, my mental health has seriously deteriorated to the point of being almost housebound again and totally reliant on my 63 year old mother!

You are not the only one who needs help/support. However, I would never curse the people who are able to get the support they need. I WILL get mine and thats what matters.

15-01-08, 08:59
very well said i totaly agrree most of us are ibn the same boat we just have be patient and our turn will come tc elainexx

Pink Panic
15-01-08, 09:10
I was going to say something but decided that Bluebell summed the situation up perfectly and i'd like to say well said Bluebell too!


15-01-08, 09:29
Who is classed as a scrounger ? does anyone really have the right to judge anyone else, especially when you dont know their situation.

Trac xx

15-01-08, 09:45
Hi Gordon, I agree with Bluebell - you cannot let anger and rage overtake you on this. It doesnt do your state of mind any good and it gets you nowhere.

I agree that certain things seem to be dealt with quicker. I think mental health, particularly anxiety and panic disorders, arent entirely understood at the moment and can be overlooked because people don't understand them.

But at the same time, people who are dependant on drugs are no less worthy of receiving help. It just may be that the "system" recognises these people as needing help more urgently. Everyone deserves to get the help they need, but its inevitable that certain health/medical issues are dealt with quicker than others.

I will finish my counselling soon and would like to got for CBT. I'm not sure how long I would have to wait for this and I'm sure I will be disappointed if it is a particularly long time. But in the meantime you have to do what you can to help yourself, otherwise if you let things eat you up inside, you end up incapable of doing anything.

Maybe try and use your anger/frustration to positive effect by buying some self-help books, seeking alternative therapies while you are waiting for other help to become available?


15-01-08, 09:49
I agree with you Trac...

Unless we are perfect ourselves (and i am so far from being perfect!) how can we judge if someone is a 'scrounger' and not worthy of help?

{i am taking a deeeep breath}

There are so many people whos lives have driven them down paths of addiction of whatever kind and its NOT their fault. If the life of drugs/alcohol/medication/gambling/whatever has been a choice that they wanted to do, who are we to say they don't deserve help to "get well" and recover? Good grief!

15-01-08, 10:57
im not getting into what gordon said, but i want to say that yes it is understood what causes these problems, but at the end of the day they are not considered worthy of the money. i worked out that i psychologist doing 5 hourly sessions a day for £75 (up that for the south) for 5 days a week for 11 months of the year would earn pre-tax around £84,000.

now bear in mind that the tax payer funds the nhs, and pays gps upwards of £100k, do you think the tax-payer will foot this bill??? no they wont!!!! the 'experts' could help every single one of us, some would takes weeks some would take years, but get real guys please, no one is going to pay for this, unless youve suffered nobody in the general public cares!!! even our families cant/wont care so why would the general public who has even less reason to give a stuff and stump up the sort of tax that would be needed to sort us all out. this is the real world, and sad as it is, the less money youve got the less help youll get. rich people go to the priory, fairly comfortable go private, and the rest just have to take what the goverment says they can afford, which isnt much and isnt very good either.

we do have people who care, take the national phobics society in manchester or nopanic in telford, they are both charities and they can help.

this 'condition' doesnt affect the whole populationa nd it isnt life threatening - if you suffer with something that can affect anybody (cancer, or an emergency op or serious illness requiring hospitilisation) you will get help, that is what the nhs classes as priority not a portion of society, that just struggles along,but is genarally no harm to themselves or others.

15-01-08, 10:58
Hi All,
Am just wondering if someone could clarify something for me as this is worrying me somewhat as to almost everytime Gordon puts a post on the Forum do people jump up and down on him??This i dont understand.

As most of us know Gordon has BPD and alot of his rages, frustrations etc come from his health problems.I can say Hand on heart that what i know of Gordon he would never intentionally cause offence to anyone, however i have noticed that noone seems to take into consideration Gordons NEED to vent as many of us do.

I am not going to apologise if this is taken the wrong way and is certainly not aimed at any one person in particular, I am just very confused as to WHY gordon can not vent when he feels the need to??

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

15-01-08, 11:03
Hi mystics

No one is jumping down Gordon's throat, if he is going to post about issues not everyone is going to agree with those issues so there will be a debate im afraid, and maybe Gordon needs to re phrase the way he posts things sometimes


Trac xxx

15-01-08, 11:13
hi mystics have you considered whether everyone is unaffected by gordon? also is this a site for anxiety sufferers, and gordon has pointed out on a few occasions that his main problem is not anxiety - he has said that it is only a tiny part of his condition and that i feel is the problem, this site is not able to help bpd sufferers, or is it? anyone who has verbally attacked me on here, i has ever since given a wide berth,gordon is one of them, i dont come on here to be attacked by people who have more going on than anxiety. does ANYBODY ever give a thought to what all the people think who actually use this site but for one reason or another choose not to contribute, how does anybody know what they think? any single subject that comes up they will have an opinion but they wont post, so your only speaking for yourself, or your friends and not EVERYONE.

Pink Panic
15-01-08, 11:37
Hi Mystics,

Re your comment about Gordon. I for one had no idea that Gordon has BPD, but just as a sideline i do know of others on here who are also sufferers and do not feel the need to Vent in this way by posting derogatory comments!
By posting Gordon puts a subject up for discussion and there are always going to be different views as that's the whole nature of discussion.

I had a PM today from someone apologising to me after they had posted and i had replied and they had then replied and got something wrong. I sent a PM back to say there was no need to apologise as i'm aware that by participating in posting it is always going raise issues which not everyone can agree on and i'm sure Gordon is aware of this too!


15-01-08, 11:40
I didn't even know what BPD was, but i do now and it would explain the content of A LOT of Gordons posts.

I think that if you do post something that include the words "smackhead" and "scrounger" and using them in a very negative way, it WILL cause debate.

15-01-08, 14:27
in 2003 i lived next door to a violent heroin addict.one night his mother wouldnt let him in out of fear.he broke into our place,took my 3 year old girls beloved barbie scooter,smashed in the front of his house screaming he would kill his mum.not nice.my girl wet herself in bed overhearing this.when we were interviewed as witnesses by the police we were told "he needs detox" at which i struck up and asked what is was my little girl,the victim of the crime,would get.nothing.not even acknowledgement that she was such a victim.having suffered next door for years,people trying to buy drugs off us because they wouldnt believe it was the wrong house,i feel i have to stand up for a general point made by gordon,if not the use of the phrase "scrounger".this addict has every penalty put upon him mittigated by his addiction and it must be very hard to stomach for someone who doesnt break the law(despite equal stress and anxiety) to be behind him in the queue for resources.honestly,(ironic use of word!)we seem so terrified of causing any offence by our use of language that we seem,as a society,to be prepared to overlook the harm and damage done to people through certain destructive behaviours.this addict is a tragedy,35 and his life is over,stealing anything,including my new born babys pram,for drugs.tragic yes.but i have no obligation to like him!!!! and i feel it is a disincentive to follow healthy ways of life if he,above others equally in need,gets the resources first.

15-01-08, 15:16
Hi Gordon,

I can understand your anger and frustration at the system.
A common thread which we all share here is a lack of patience.I know when I am having a rough time,my symptoms are the worst in the world and my case is the worst in the world.I become totally intolerant of others and their ills.
Our Doctors are faced each day with a wide gamut of conditions from the immediately life threatening to the most minor of injuries.We tend to fall somewhere in the middle of this.Yes,our conditions are debilitating and distressing but they are generally long-term and do not require emergency responses.
Part of our recovery is through learning to be patient and calm.The docs probably feel that your case is being managed correctly and within their guidelines i.e. it is not a life-threatening issue.The lesson for us is trying to accept this and go easy on ourselves.
I am glad that you use this Forum to vent your issues and hope that you will continue to do so.
Best wishes,

15-01-08, 16:25
Thankyou to those who understand me. I have e-mailed Nic today, trying to explain myself further and I wish NMP no harm.

To those who say I use my illness as an excuse and who are claiming that I don't have anxiety. Come again? You don't know what I do or don't have. You don't even know about BPD, so let me enlighten you:

Studies suggest that individuals with BPD tend to experience frequent, strong and long-lasting states of aversive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aversives) tension, often triggered by perceived rejection, being alone, or perceived failure.[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#_note-2) Individuals with BPD may show lability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lability) (changeability) between anger and anxiety or between depression and anxiety[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#_note-3) and temperamental sensitivity to emotive stimuli.[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#_note-4)
The negative emotional states particularly associated with BPD have been grouped into four categories: extreme feelings in general; feelings of destructiveness or self-destructiveness; feelings of fragmentation or lack of identity; and feelings of victimization.[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#_note-5)
Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them, reacting strongly to perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a disappointment or perceived threat of losing someone.

This illness is bad enough without people being totally ignorant about it. I don't slag off your condition so why do you criticise mine? Is this a contest? Should those of us who are "well gone" be taken into a field and put down? This is no joke and I came here because it looked like a nice place and the BPD forums were full of other hotheads like me and I was sick of confrontation every day. I was told I was making others feel bad. How? Where have I insulted or judged any one of you? Yet some of you are so quick to say I'm a bad guy and a troublemaker and this and that. I survived physical bullying and I will survive ignorance.

If you type BPD into Wikipedia, you can read more in depth. You choose to judge me without knowing me, so please choose to do a little research before judging me. Thanks.


15-01-08, 16:56
blimey, I shouldn't have read this thread as the agression has made me stressed.

Hope everyone feels better soon.

15-01-08, 17:05
i would love to know what is classed as a scrounger, I am a student and I work part time (and pay tax) but i do get help from the government otherwise I will not be able to better myself through education. Some people are on Incapacity benefit because they are too anxious/depressed or ill to work through no fault of their own. I have never touched drugs in my life but some "smackheads" as you call them do also need help and most people just dont want to know so they dont give them a chance that they need. We all get frustrated sometimes you need to find a better way of dealing with it. Sorry to sound harsh but I am being straight with you for your own good.

15-01-08, 17:09
I wish I hadnt read it to.I feel that drug addicts should not be classed as smack heads,they have a problem just like people with anxiety.My brother has bipolar and is a total nightmare,plus he is an alcoholic,but I dont class him as a P*** head,or a nutter.

I think Gordon you need to think before you write.We have all had to be patient at sometime and wait for treatment.

You seem to have looked up alot of symptoms of BPD.I live with someone with this illness and have done so for over 25 years.I know how it affects them,but it aslo affects people around them.

Why should people have to research your illness,we all come here because we have our own problems,and we want to help and support others.I find your post very one sided, sorry but this is how you made me feel today.

I know for a fact that people with bipolar can be very selfish to,yes its part of the illness!!!!!!

I also think being a scrounger is a bit harsh,many people cant work because of there illness's.

I think this thread should be stopped,Its upset alot of people.

15-01-08, 17:09
"im not getting into what gordon said, but i want to say that yes it is understood what causes these problems, but at the end of the day they are not considered worthy of the money. i worked out that i psychologist doing 5 hourly sessions a day for £75 (up that for the south) for 5 days a week for 11 months of the year would earn pre-tax around £84,000"

I am so glad I chose to study psychology! drinks on me when I graduate!!

15-01-08, 18:45

OK - You've had your opinion and so must accept other peoples opinions too.

I'm sorry to say this, but the world does not revolve around just you, we are all suffering with some kind of illness and it's not pleasant for any of us.

We are all sensitive people here and I really do feel that you should take in consideration of other peoples feelings.

I have only spoken to you once in chat. I understand your illness and I know afew people that suffer with the same, infact I myself have traits of BPD like many other people with MH Illnesses . You cannot use your illness as an excuse to the way you behave here or anywhere else.

When I first spoke to you in chat I was trying to listen and was trying to offer help in someway, I mentioned that I understood mood swings as I have Bipolar Disorder. You jumped down my throat saying "This is no contest" ??? !! I just left it as that, as there was no point in even trying to chat with you, I couldn't get a word in edge ways !

Gordon, I wanted to just say, please take into account of other peoples feelings too, we're all in the same boat here.

As for talking about 'smack heads' or other people who have addictions, and you mention 'ignorance'! Well.... I'm just not even going to comment on that one.

15-01-08, 19:27
As I replied on Gordons last post



15-01-08, 19:31

You have posted saying people are judging you, but isnt that what your doing to 'scroungers' and 'smackheads' ?


15-01-08, 19:42
Sorry Kazzie ?

What do you mean?

I thought this was a discussion.

If Gordon is going to make such bold statement's not everyone is going to agree, it's the way life goes.

15-01-08, 19:50
Hi Katie:D

Im not getting into a row over this but everytime Gordon does a post it ends in trouble

Now personally I have spoken to Gordon many times in chat and I think He is a ok kind of bloke:yesyes:

But as soon as he posts anything WW3 seems to errupt!!!!

Nothing against Gordon ......just a general observation


15-01-08, 20:03
I feel moved not to comment ;)

In my defense, I can't be bothered.

Can we have a football forum section too? Far more constructive :)

15-01-08, 20:07
LOL Jaco:D

A knitting one would be more constructive ROFL

Kaz x x x

15-01-08, 20:13
Fun here innit? :winks:


15-01-08, 20:22
I didn't think anything had errupted :wacko:.

Oh well, happy days,.....

15-01-08, 20:34
Get Off My Back Please Now I Am Not Well

Please Leave Me Alone You f**king Do Gooders.

You Have Just Ruined My Life

Sam Wants Nothing To Do With Me Now Cos Trac Told Her To Get Away From Me.

My Life Is f**ked. You Have Made A Man Iller Than He Ever Was

I Just Self Harmed Is That What You Want Me To Do?

You Come Here With Your Pansy Pc Crap And You Have Made Me Ill

I Tried To Be Nice But You People Who Don't Even Know Me Act All Judge And Jury

Some Of You Are Just Stuck Up Snobs Who Think You Are Way f**king Better Than Me.

Well f**k You

This post has been automatically edited by the NMP post filter

15-01-08, 20:35






15-01-08, 20:37
Political Correctness Has Killed This Country And All The Decent Folk In It - Black, White, Brown - We're All The Same.

Who We Have To Watch For Are Snobs With Loads Of Money

Guess How Much Money I Have Right Now?

10 Quid

And I Owe 25 Quid To My Dad On Friday And Don't Get My Giro Til Monday

You People Have Never Ever Suffered

15-01-08, 20:39
Oh nice one Gordon and on that note of Gordon judging us all i think i shall close this thread

Gordon if you feel that way about NMP maybe its time you left

Oh and Gordon I have a court order on my house so owing £25 is nowt mate and i have 3 kids who i need to keep a roof over their heads, so yes most of us suffer

And hang on a minute I have not even discussed you with sam thankyou very much I have better things to do with my time so get your facts right and i shall be asking Sam why she has said that to you too
