View Full Version : New member - heart/lung worries

15-01-08, 05:27
I'm a 20 year old female - a moderate to heavy smoker depending on the day, and I have diabetes and heart problems that run in my family. I am also overweight for my height. Not in the best of health but have always been "fine" until recently.

I am constantly worrying about pains in my chest and all over my body in general. Any flinch of pain, anything that feels odd, I'll panic about it. It's quarter past 5 in the morning now and I have to be up at 8 but I can't sleep because every time I lay down I feel slightly breathless and I get a strange fluttering and slight pain in my chest, mainly on the left side. Sometimes the pain moves through my back as well. Though more noticeable when lying down, I do still get the pains when sitting up and walking around. I know it's not a heart attack but it is worrying me and of course preventing me from sleeping for fear that I will die in my sleep. I've suffered from panic attacks before and these feelings aren't those of an attack, I'm guessing it might be anxiety in general but constantly worry that it's something much, much worse. Although I don't have cancer in my family, it's something that I'm afraid of because I am a smoker. Strokes are another thing I constantly fear.

I am changing my lifestyle. I'm eating healthier and intend to quit smoking, but I am worried that I've already done the damage.

I'm a student who doesn't have a family GP - just the student health service. Can I ask them for an overall check up of some sort? Just to give me peace of mind? Or if there is something wrong with me, to sort it out as soon as possible. I'm worried they'll say no because of the costs. If I do ring up for an appointment, what should I say? I know they won't agree to run a whole bunch of tests on me but based on my worries, is there any tests I should ask for in particular?

Any help would be so reassuring and appreciated. Thanks.

15-01-08, 09:33
Hi, you are worrying unnecessary I have suffered anxiety, panic and phobias now for over 40 years on and off and I can say from experience the pains that anxiety can cause are unbelievable. The amount of tests I have had for heart, lungs stomach throat bowels etc, and all came back clear. I been smoking for about 45 years and now smoke heavy, the breathing problems and chest and back pain I get regular, but know smoking don’t help. If you are in the UK you could call NHS direct and speak to them or even go to a drop in centre, the NHS would tell you your nearest drop in centre and if the doctor there is worried would give you an ECG. Hope this helps a little. And Take Care Vernon