View Full Version : job interview-very scared

15-01-08, 07:02
hi all,

ive got a job interview tomorrow, and i need the job (money) but havent worked full time for 3 years since my GAD began. i have to also go in a lift up the 3rd floor for the 2-3 hour interview, plus, its in the city- a 1 hour drive........the actual job will only be 20 mins drive away, which i think i can manage. cross fingers for me that i wont feel sick or lightheaded people....ill be counting on all your good vibes and energy.....even if i do get the job, i really really hope i dont stuff it up and get bad anxiety and have to quit......positive thinking, positive thinking...lolol......:D

plus, its already been a bad start- i sent an email reply with one small typo!!!! ughhhhh...what a twit i am:blush:

15-01-08, 07:15
Dear Peach,

It sounds like it will an interesting day for you. I understand the feelings very well. I know you will do fine. Just think, when they offer you the job, you won't have to go through the interview process again. Then, when you get the job, you can say to yourself, that these people who hired you felt that you were smart and strong enough to be in this position. Keeping that in mind will help you illeviate any thoughts of messing up. Best wishes and stay strong, you owe it to yourself!

Take care,


15-01-08, 09:23
:yesyes: hi peach, you can do this, you know you can! you are doing so well with coping with how you are, you have just got to keep going despite the anxiety. all my vibes are with you, remember that everything you do will make you anxious, but once youve done it it will go down and then youll feel a huge sense of acheivement and youll have taken another step on your recovery. i know how hard this will be for you peach, ive got something on myself, but it is nowhere near as scary as what your going to do - so be really proud of yourself, remember how everything is so much harder for us because of all this that we take with us, so just be really really kind to yourself and treat yourself how you would a very dear freind who is going to do what you are, be nice to yourself and give your self lots of credit for having to feel like this and do something so stressful, something which everybody gets worked up about, youve got to deal with it feeling alot worse than normal people, you should get the job just for turning up in my opinion! all the best peach, let us know how you get on? emma:hugs:

15-01-08, 09:36
Peach, that's great news that you got a job interview honey well done :D

I think you have to try and calm your mind - you are saying that even if you get the job, you are going to muck it up! Think positive - you are more capable than you give yourself credit for.

At the end of the day, if they didnt think you could do the job, they wouldnt have asked you for an interview in the first place so that says something! :D

Best of luck to you, I'll have everything crossed! :D xxxxx

15-01-08, 11:51
It's very difficult to get an interview these days - so you've done well to get this far.

Take one step at a time, don't worry about what will happen if you get the job, deal with the journey and the interview first.

Good luck for tomorrow, what time is the interview? We can all think positive thoughts for you at the appropriate time.


17-01-08, 06:32
hi guys,

thanks so much for your support, and i must have felt all the good vibes for sure because i had hardly any anxiety through the assesment/interview...it was a 4 hour interview as well!!!!:ohmy:

i just got a call saying i passed today, and my references get called tomorrow, so still two more hurdles to jump to see if i get the job, but im pretty proud i made it this far....hubby says not to worry, and if i dont get it i can try for other things later....so we will see......last two years has been really unlucky for us, so ill find out if my luck has changed soon...ill keep you all posted.....fingers cossed...

17-01-08, 06:53
Hi peach, sending you loads of vibes and energy, good luck with your interveiw, you can do this .xx:biggrin:

17-01-08, 08:26
well done peach:yesyes: :hugs: hope it all works out well. emmaxxxxxxxxxx

17-01-08, 13:49
hi guys,

thanks so much for your support, and i must have felt all the good vibes for sure because i had hardly any anxiety through the assesment/interview...it was a 4 hour interview as well!!!!:ohmy:

i just got a call saying i passed today,...

Way to Go Peach!!!:D Well done to you - FOUR HOURS!!! How did you manage to stay in control for that length of time?

As I said in my other posting - one step at a time! And if this doesn't work out just remember how well you did this time. I'm really chuffed for you, it's great to hear someone having some good news.

Let us know what the outcome is - everything crossed here for you but I'm getting a bit of cramp :)

18-01-08, 11:17
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_118.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)Peach you did really GREAT http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_5_111.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Good Luck with the rest of it.

Take Care,

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X

24-01-08, 09:12

thought id give u all an update, well, i was just told today that i got the job but that they will email so i have it in writing. i start in approx 2 weeks and now im hoping with all my might that ill be able to now work FULLTIME....ughhh...lololol....:ohmy:

send me lot of positive vibes ok?!....pls...lol...

im gonna have to be able to handle 8 hour shifts WITH some lat finishes.....9pm...ugh...lolol.......im always worst at night...

i think i can....i think i can....i think i can....choo choo.....toot toot...lolol...

if i can do this, then we can get out of debt, so its a big deal, at the mo...we have no home phone (disconnected-bill) our water is about to be disconnected and so too internet!!!! ughh....no no more panic?!?!??! noooooooooo....lolol

so good feelings ppl...
if all goes well then i hopefully wont have to beg you all again for aid till i try for a baby- then then ill prob be stalking this forum a mess...lol...one step at a time eh? we gotta keep pushing dont we..only way of any hope of a better life...

24-01-08, 09:57
I'm so glad I popped on here today!!!


Having been through a 4 hour interview an 8 hour day should be a doddle!!! It's natural you'll be anxious as the day approaches just give yourself a pat on the back for getting this far!!

You've made my day Peach :yesyes:

24-01-08, 21:42
:emot-partyblower: Peach thats amazing. Were all so proud of you for sticking at it. Well done mate.

I myself had to leave work last year due to this illness and am just starting to get back into it now. so I can understand how daunting it is.

I only started reading your post today to get some tips, as i went for an interview myself this afternoon, and I know how hard a 1/2 hr one can be for someone with a nervous illness can be, never mind a 4 hour one. I'm so pleased you got the job hun. You should be very proud of yourself.

Good luck with it and all the best for the future. keep in touch and let us know how your getting on.

Lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx