View Full Version : Normal?

15-01-08, 09:46
Hi all

My 'symptom of the week' is a feeling of tightness in throat and chest. Like I cant take a big breath even though I can!?! Maybe how i would imagine an asthmatic might feel. Doc says its anxiety. Is it normal for it to sometimes be there when im not anxious and then not there when I am anxious - dont understand the timings and its very frustrating!! Please help me.

Thanks in anticipation


15-01-08, 10:03
Hi Julie, I get this when I'm anxious too. Try these breathing exercises, it loosens the muscles in the chest and I find takes away the sensation. Do it whenever you're feeling a bit rough and even when you're well.

15-01-08, 11:22
Hi Julie
I get this all the time even when i think im relaxed. I had ecg, blood tests and chest x ray which all came back fine. It is caused by tension even though you are not aware of it. Tension you hold in your back effects the chest wall muscles. I try breathing exercises but to be honest it doesnt really help me, it just suddenly goes for no apparent reason. You can try some stretches like putting your hands at shoulder height on a door frame. Walk through the door keeping your hands where they are until you feel a stretch across the chest and hold it for 30 secs and repeat. This does give soem relief for me sometimes.
I can guarantee i have had this feeling on and off for 1 1/2 years and nothing has ever happened to me! Try not to obsess over it, the more you think about it, the more you panic and make it worse.
Donna x

Rachey poos
15-01-08, 11:31
Hi I get this really bad at times.... sends me into panic... but iit just anxiety in the chest cavity.... have a hot drink and then start taking breaths naturaly.... i wlaways start yawning to get a good breath...try the drink it works for me...hot cup of tea x honest!!

15-01-08, 14:50
i get this too. it feels like someone is pressing on my throat and/or chest - its horrible! like being strangled from the inside! its def anxiety - had every test under the sun-lol!
it tends to get worse as the day goes on and i rarely get it first thing - because when i sleep i'm definatly relaxed!

16-01-08, 08:07
hi julie just like to say your not alone i get it aswell its anxiety it realy freaks me out tc julie lv elaine xxxxxx

17-01-08, 10:47
Thanks so much for your replies. It did ease off a bit after a few stretches however still coming and going and driving me mad. Due to see GP this aft and in a quandry whether to go AGAIN for the same thing!!

Thanks again.


"Its not what happens to you; its how you deal with it."