View Full Version : i got what i wanted

15-01-08, 11:18
Well, as you know i was worrying big time about these 'palpitations' which i described to the doc and he said ectopic beats.

He looked at me ecg results and said normal but if i didnt have an ectopic on there it wouldnt show up. I saw on my notes though that it said abnormal repolarisation...what on earth does that mean??? Me being me googled and have scared myself to death with sudden cardiac death etc. Anyone else heard of/had this?

Anyway, he said i could either accept it that it wont kill me blah blah blah, or choose to be referred to a cardiologist...which i chose. Im going to have a 24 hour ecg i think, just waiting for the appoitment.

But if theyd seen something worrying on that ecg, or the repolarisation abnormality was serious, theyd have referred me back in novemnber wouldnt they???


15-01-08, 23:17
If it was anything serious your GP would not have given you the option of seeing a cardiologist or not he would just have referred you pronto!

The abnormal whatsit may just be a technical description - imnagine if it was refering to the machine you would feel a bit of a twit heehee.

why don't you go back to your GP and ask what it means then you can stop worrying - I understand you need to see the cardiologist and the 24 ecg will put your mind at rest tremendously.

I have premature ventricular contractions all the time for past 20 years otherwise called ectopic heartbeats and they are compeltely harmless but extremely unpleasant. Once you have been checked out and I have had 5 24 hr ecgs and ultrasound over the years then you know that there is no underlying heart disease causing the extra beats.

My cardiologist says that nearly everyone he sees with this is a very anxious person who is intensely attuned to their body but loads of people have these beats but never feel them ( can you imagine this!!) and if so he doens't even tell them they have them. Oh what bliss to not feel them. On good days I only notice them maybe 5 or 6 times a day but I can have literally motnhs on end where every 3rd beat is a missed on and it feels horrible, my sysmpathies