View Full Version : Supermarkets?

15-01-08, 15:42
Hi Everyone

Not really sure if this is in the right place. Well just recently everytime I go to the supermarket with partner to do the shopping, when it is really busy, I feel really light headed, people annoy because they are always in the way, I just feel strange, and want to be out of there, I just feel really carp . I am not sure if it because I am just far too hot or it is the anxiety.

Does anyone have trouble like this being in crowed places like a supermarket??

I look forward to your replies.

Many Thanks


Pink Panic
15-01-08, 16:06

I get this and it's horrible. The weird thing is that sometimes i can go in a shop and it won't bother me and another time i have to leave. Last week we went to a large Superstore and i had to leave my partner at the check-out and go to the car. We had to go back there a few days ago and i was dreading it but thought what the heck, i will give it a go and i was ok and stayed in there for ages.
Most of these places are far too hot and then the anx kicks in as we get all flustered and i know i sometimes can't distinguish between the panic and just generally being too hot so the panic begins. What i try to do is concentrate on what i'm looking at and not myself or others around me as i always think they can see me panic but i'm assured they can't!
Hope this helps a little.


15-01-08, 16:29
I find large supermarkets a huge problem too. There are occasions I can be okay but most of the time I just want to get in, grab my stuff and leave. I've abandoned my partner so many times that he's now used to turning around and finding that I've legged it back to the car.

If I can see the exit I am okay, but these days all the supermarkets are huge and the things you go in for never seem to be near the exits. I also hate the lighting, especially the fact that the colour of the lighting changes depending on what part of the shop you are in. The frozen food aisles tend to have a whiter light than the other aisles which tend to have a more yellow light to them.

I find the best thing is to get the bulk of my shopping delivered so that I don't have to stay too long and to go when it's quiet so there aren't many people around. Crowds of shoppers and queues at the checkout just make it even harder.

15-01-08, 16:34
i don't like supermarkets when theyre busy makes me feel panicy and dizzy but rather than avoid going and making it an issue i go at 7 am in the morning when me and my partner more or less have it to ourselves. makes life so much easier and stress free

15-01-08, 16:53
I work in Sainsbury's and I quite often get people telling me they get stressed, anxious light headed so it is quite common... plus i work in a relatively small supermarket. :)

15-01-08, 16:53
They are very gloomy and stressfull places! you never see anyone smiling, by the time i get to the checkout i'm struggling! I just want to rush through it! But my wife just strolls round calm as you like, i wish i was like that!
The answer really is online shopping, but then your giving in to it!

15-01-08, 16:59
im the same everytime i go in i get light headed and want to run i think its those bright lights they have.

i dread the weekly shop i rush about forget half my shopping moan if the quaue is to long and the cashier is going to slow i want to tell her to hurry up also i get annoyed if people go so slow.

its really the only place this happens to me i go at 9am and it still happens.

15-01-08, 16:59
hi shygirl,

yes i have the same problems and am slowly starting to go back into them and being generally ok.

my advice to you, is not to make an issue with the supermarket and to carry
on going, maybe when its quieter, as i avoided shopping to begin with, then avoided other things and my outside world grew smaller and smaller. remember panic/anxiety can't hurt you, its uncomfortable, but try not to give into the fear.

try reading the info on this website as its very helpful.

good luck
love dawny x

15-01-08, 17:07
im the same everytime i go in i get light headed and want to run i think its those bright lights they have.

i dread the weekly shop i rush about forget half my shopping moan if the quaue is to long and the cashier is going to slow i want to tell her to hurry up also i get annoyed if people go so slow.

its really the only place this happens to me i go at 9am and it still happens.

Id like to say I go very fast! :p

I get frustrateed with the cashiers and i am one so dont worry about that :)

15-01-08, 19:26
No i get this in supermarkets. Just want to get everything and go.

My method is to go to the same place and write out my list in the order that the food is laid out in the store. We normally get around the shop within about 20 minutes.

I think if I am trying to find something and I dont know where it is, I get panicked because I cant find it. So I recommend making a list :) xxxxx

16-01-08, 06:17

i get this and its horrible around xmas time....

im usually ok till i get to teh checkout, then i feel trapped....also going down the back of the shop isnt nice either.

i agree with the list, i always know what i want....and now these days my hubby does most of teh food shopping....i do the clothes shops as theyre smaller and so i find it easier....

id suggest if you find it hard, just leave and try again when you feel stronger....i keep going back, and sometimes its too hard, and mostly its ok......i think when you get used to the place it gets easier.....also going at a time with less ppl is a great idea, that would stop the stress at the checkout.....

16-01-08, 07:20
I can relate to what you have said and also to the other replies you have had. I always go to the same supermarket with my list in order of the aisles the products are in, so that I can get in and out as quickly as possible. To me I believe it's because I only really feel 'Safe' in my own home. So it doesn't really matter where I go shopping, I only really do what I have to do and then I get home ASAP.
So you are not alone with this, All I can suggest to you is to find out when the quietest time is at your shopping centre and then do your shopping then.
Good luck
love from SJ in sunny australia :shades: x x x

PS: a quick scotch before you go might help!:)