View Full Version : New Symptoms!!!

15-01-08, 18:08
Does anybody else get this? It's like an adrenaline feeling in the centre of my chest going up to my throat and it normally comes on when it gets dark and then i have like a strange feeling where my heart is, kind of like a muscle twitch or spasm, can't really describe it! it just feels like theres something there! :unsure:

15-01-08, 18:31
Anxiety is a very cruel and powerful thing. I get that feeling when I am very anxious and find the only thing I can do is exercise or take meds to relieve it.
Can you busy yourself somehow to take your mind of it at all? Or is it too strong?
If you want to talk let me know!

15-01-08, 20:46
Thanks Alison
Yeah ive been trying to keep busy and distracting myself and you do tend to forget it's there, but it's strange it only comes on at night! and even if i'm not anxious.
Your right about it being cruel and powerfull! the symptoms ive had in the last 4 or 5 months have been unbelievable!

15-01-08, 21:27
yes i get that too. i hate the strange feeling around the heart. infact i have this right now. the only thing we can do is just try to distract ourselves by just trying to keep busy. hard i know. hope this helps

15-01-08, 22:26
Thanks, it sure does help! just knowing i'm not alone with this!

20-01-08, 11:36
hi your certainly not alone i 2 get it i find it difficult sleep its awful i no how you feel tc elaine x

20-01-08, 13:04
Does anyone get a short sharp pain - like an electric shock - just under the rib cage?
I have had it for two days corection on and off for two days.
I is so sudden and of course the fear is HEART ATTACK-I know it is a spasm.
BUT oh does it frighten me every time it strike.
Best wishes

20-01-08, 18:44
Feels kind of like a lump directly where my heart is, and sort of like a mildly strained muscle, it's like my hearts had enough!

21-01-08, 22:49
Yea I get that also get like a tickly tummy sort of sensation.

21-01-08, 23:08
You say at night - do you mean when laid down in bed at all?

22-01-08, 23:41
No usually when i'm sat down

23-01-08, 13:17
i get this adrenalin feeling even when im not scared/anxious/stressed! it just comes over me like a wave!
Have to control myself not to panick as when it happens i think theres somethin wrong. xxx