View Full Version : AM I MAD

03-03-05, 16:53

Just wanted to ask a question. Is anxiety a mental illness in other words am i mad?


03-03-05, 17:08
not sure on the answer to that but your certainly not mad by any means

fan x

03-03-05, 17:18
Hi Lisa

You are not mad at all. Trust me if you were mad you wouldnt know you were.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

03-03-05, 17:31
No, it's classed as an emotional disorder these days !


03-03-05, 18:49
Hi Loulou,

The times I have asked myself the very same question!

It was answered for me by the community psychiatric team, who refused to see me because my illness (the same as yours) is not serious or urgent enough.

Hopefully this will answer the question for you too. I must admit I didnt find this good news at the time. You will find I posted quite a desperate reaction to this when it happened.

Luckily I had all these lovely people here to support me. They have done more for me than any psychiatrist could have done!

04-03-05, 17:03
i was told that the anxiety/panic attacks came under a 'nervous disorder' and not a mental one because we are totally "normal" apart from suffering from things that make us extremely nervous compared to the average person.
you will not have mental illness listed anywhere in your medical notes for suffering with anxiety or panic attacks.
well at least i hope not! just going on what ive been told [8D]