View Full Version : Fuzzy head

15-01-08, 21:24

I have always been a very anxious person and had panic attacks over not unreasonable events - such as exams.

I have also had a problem I always associated with blood sugar, I get a fuzzy head. Recently I have been eating well and regularly and drink plenty of water - however I still get a fuzzy head and an in ability to concentrate.

I always figured the fuzzy head was related to anxiety perhaps due to blood sugar. Though now it seems perhaps my anxiety causes the fuzzy head and lack of concentration - I feel like I am vacant and some place else.

Anyone understand and relate to this, is a fuzzy head and inability to concentrate related to anxiety, maybe I am more anxious more often than I realise?


fretty freda
15-01-08, 22:02
i get a fuzzy head spaced out feeling inability to concentrate every day at about eleven o clock for some strange reason ! i dont usually eat breakfast and i do have blood sugar level problems and have been tested for diabetes which i havent got , but i still get this auful miles always feeling and there is absolute nothing i can do to make it go away the only thing is time ! usually after dinner time i start to perk up a bit , i am sorry i dont have any advice for you but i know what your going through xx

07-07-08, 19:00
I know exactly how you feel and am going through the same thing myself. I had a viral infection a few years ago and for months after I felt fuzzy, spaced out and light headed. I started having panic attacks and they got so bad that I didn't feel safe on my own.
I went to the doctor loads of times, but in the end he gave me antidepressants, even though I told him I wasn't depressed!!!! I must admit though they did work and when I can off them I was fine.
I had another viral infection about 2 months ago and the exact same feelings have come back again. I am reluctant to go to the doctors incase they suggest antidepressants again!!!!!