View Full Version : Feeling very anxious.

16-01-08, 00:05
Well i am due to go for my MRI Scan on friday at 8-35am.
The problem is with my left shoulder,i am unable to move it very much at all.
Been like this for over a year now,and i can't sleep on my left side at night beacause of the pain i get from lying on it.:weep:

Well my problem is that i suffer from clostaphobia (think thats how you spell it) and i am getting myself into a right state over it.

The thought of going inside that tube frightens the life out of me,and i am now working myself into such a state of having a panic attack.

Anyone else had this done? and how can i calm myself down to be able to have my scan done.

I really need this scan as i have been in agony for ages now,and need daily help getting dressed and undressed,also my parner has to wash and dry my hair ( bless him)

Any advice would be appreciated please.

Many thanks.

16-01-08, 00:17
Sorry to hear your going through such a bad time at the mo.I know how you must be feeling.I have never had this done,but I have been in hospital to have other bits done.I drink lots of camomile tea,or other relaxing tea before hand,when you dont have to have nil by mouth that is.Try some relaxation tapes the night before,and a relaxing bath.

When you arrive at the hospital tell the staff exactly how you are feeling,that you are anxious,and if you get PA's let them know,also about the clostra phobia.( cant spell it)I always find there really helpfull and understanding,and I always let them know how Im feeling.Im sure you will be ok,if you dont let them know how you are feeling they wont know.:hugs: :hugs:

Pink Panic
16-01-08, 09:25
Hi Rose,

I have had an MRI Scan and please believe me it's not as bad as it seems. As i had mine done on my back i was able to enter the tube feet first instead of head first so ask if this is poss for you as it makes it feel less restricted. The staff who get you ready are very sympathetic and they told me that many people feel it's easier if they have a diazepam so perhaps you could ask your doc for a couple to take before you go. I was in a state and crying but they talked me through it and all the time you are in the scanner they are in contact with you.
I really needed to have mine done to find out what was wrong with my back so like yourself i didn't really have a choice but to do it, but afterwards i now think the worrying was worse than the actual scan.
If you have any other questions pls PM me and i'd be happy to answer.
Hope it all goes well for you hun :hugs:
