View Full Version : Is anyone wake?

16-01-08, 06:06
hello, i joined this website a few weeks ago. I was woken up to at 330 this mornign, to let me know my grandma has died. she'd had a stroke yesterday morning. I'm obviously upset and now im all dizzy, numb down my left side and feel panic attacky....'ELP! I just wanty to go back to sleep, I've tried it but I end up not being able to breathe. I at least thwant the dizziness to go away and feel being sick might help...

16-01-08, 06:08
I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!! Need to be in work tomorrow. SERIOUSLY DIXXY

16-01-08, 06:13
Cant clsoe my eyes, as I thinkim going to pass out. Why if I feel so tored, and am dizzy as a result can i not shut my eyes and go to sleep. Please des anyone have any advice, wise words. just want to sleep. seriously seroiusly dizzy...mad thing is worrying il have a stroke

16-01-08, 06:14
Dear Katie,

I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I understand what are going through. If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Take care,


16-01-08, 06:15
mke me sleep:) urgh i feel dunk light headed...at least if that were the case id pass out drunk..and could sleep

16-01-08, 06:19
I can't make you sleep, but I can be a good sounding board though. :-)
I can understand very well, the feelings you are going through. Do you have any chamomile tea or something to help calm you?

16-01-08, 06:33
no, no tea in. Maybe you could click your fingers and make me sleep? :) I thnk i just need to keep myself very distracted. Im facing that whole feeliong when you dont feel its you and youre losing it...i cant think of words i meant to write on here. I just wish i werent so ruddy tired! Feel like not ebough oxygen is getting round me...so tired. other than tea, what can you suggest?

16-01-08, 06:34
and what if, this is me having a stoke.ARGH I WANT THIS TO STOP....Now eeling like i cant breathe even though my eyes are open...almost as if im fighting against my ow tiredness

16-01-08, 06:45
LOL, I wish I could help you to sleep. I think you expressed what you're feeling well. It reminds me when I lost my grandmother. I felt as though I had the wind knocked out of me and that I was suffocating. Okay, sugggestions...

I think you did well to get your feelings out. That was key. The next one will be to start controlled breathing ( Long breaths in, Long breaths out). Then, get a glass or a bottle of water. These two suggestions sound somewhat simplistic, but it really does help me to calm down and take control of myself. After that, play some soothing music and lie in bed very still. While lying there, let your mind tell your body to relax entirely and imagine yourself sinking into the bed. Let your mind really believe it (that you are sinking). In no time, you will asleep getting the rest you need.

I hope that didn't sound too weird or simplistic. I suffer from insomnia, and these little suggestions really do help with insomnia and anxiety attacks. I hope this will help you too.


16-01-08, 06:46
hi i no how you feel i dnt sleep panic keeps me awake its awful it realy is so sorry here bout your loss .lack of sleep makes us more anxious and panicky have you tryed having a soak in hot bath with lavender oil just to reax you a bit avnt realy got anymore advice cuz im the same sorry cant help you much but i no how you feel .tc elaine xxxx

16-01-08, 06:53
i dont know if this panic attack will finidh!!!!! UUUUUUUUUUURGH! My eyes are shutting but as soon as they i bolt up being unable to sleep. i think i have insomnia too

16-01-08, 06:58
Maybe reading or if you have a couple of sleeping pills may help you be able to calm you down enough to fall asleep. I just hope you can get enough to be able to function tomorrow. I wish I could give a "magic" cure for this. I think I have run out of ideas to help out. AHH!!!

16-01-08, 07:04
Some times when I can't sleep I find what helps me is to get my diary out and write and write and write and write and write and write and write and write and write and write and write and finally I get so exhausted from writing and writing and writing and writing and writing and writing. . . that I have to lay down on my bed for a miniute and then the next thing I know . . . wow. . . it's morning.
I'm thinking of you and sending you BIG BIG hugs and kisses from Australia, Nothing I can say to you will actually take away the pain you must be feeling right now, this is terrible news to be woken up to, just remember you have friends out here in web land even me in Australia who is here for you.
God bless
SJ x x x x x
PS My 15yr old daughter asked me to tell you she will pray for you to help you get the strength you need to help you at this time. (She goes to church, as you probably guessed, I'm not a church goer but we need all the help we can get at times like this) x x x

16-01-08, 07:17
Cant clsoe my eyes, as I thinkim going to pass out. Why if I feel so tored, and am dizzy as a result can i not shut my eyes and go to sleep. Please des anyone have any advice, wise words. just want to sleep. seriously seroiusly dizzy...mad thing is worrying il have a stroke

katie , babe i know exactly how your feeling, i have suffered sleep probs for 20 years, when my grandma died i was exactly the same, ive been 3 days before without sleep and still couldnt nod off, you need to see your gp babe , they will give you meds to sleep . when i had my breakdown before xmas i had gone nearly 72hrs , i was rushed to hospital and the doctors gave me meds , tablets which knocked me out straight away, they may not give you such drastic stuff but try night nurse or stuff like that babe. Cut oout stuff like caffeine, cola, and things like that if you drink them, take the night nurse 2 hrs before bed and some hot milk and try that.
hope you correct your sleep babe , let us know how you do
daz xxxx:hugs: :hugs:

16-01-08, 09:17

So sorry to hear about your granmother.

My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

You know where we all are if you need us

Lou xxxxx

18-01-08, 22:49
Hello everyone! What lovely messages! I haven't had a chance to check the forum for the last few days, it's been mad t work...I did eventually get to sleep, I went in to work at midday, and work was fine with it. Was a bit of a sleepy wreck with a few 'argh im going to pass out' moments but i got through it. Got through yesterday okay too, AND slept but today I ound really tough and I had the thoughts and things today...so hoping I can sleep tonight.

Well thats a very boring update, but an update none the less. Hope youre all well. I do think this site is great, as it really does show you youre not alone!

Thank you.x

18-01-08, 22:52
ps. I'm having to get the tube and train home to my parents home tomorrow (as i dont trust my car on the motorway at the mo, as it's got a stalling prob, argh) but im going to do my best to not think about tube and train as usually i have a panic on them!! Its strange as I remember my first panic attack when i was little, and they went, then about march last year i got them, never saw a way out, then they just went and now im having them all the time i see no end in site...isnt it weird...!!