View Full Version : Any advise for my visit to the Doctors this afternoon?

16-01-08, 11:17
Hi Guys

Me again... Ive had a real rough couple of days and last night i had a nother episode where my limbs became very heavy my eyes were all over the shop and felt like i was going to have a fit and die! even after taking diazapam i had a real feeling that i would not wake up this morning. whilest trying to sleep i kept getting twiges in by spine and pain in my arms and eyes very twitchy.

I woke this morning (ok so i was wrong) and felt so lethargic i could hardly speak nevermind get up for work and so ive decided to go to the docs again. The situation is this.

Ive had these problems now for 5 months and in recent weeks after a good spell ive noticed that my speach is slightly slurring and i feel like im going to have a seizure or fit. i also had low blood sugar attacks when this all first started but last nights was the worse for some time.

Docs say anxiety, my CBT clinical therapist thinks its neurological and the symptoms are causing my anxiety. I now have a private neurological appointment on friday 25th.

Obviously im worried i have MS or some other serious neurological problem and i feel that i should not be going to the docs as i have been so many times and never get anywhere i just feel stupid.

Ive now made an appointment as my symptoms are worrying me but how do i get him to listen and check me over so i can be reasured that its all in my head or if i should be getting help.

I reckon most of you have been through this and id be interested to hear how you have got your GP to listen and tackle the symptoms or at least explain that theres nothing to worry about.

16-01-08, 11:33
I think you just need to be assertive.

Tell the Doctor you need him to listen, and that is the best thing he can do.

Good luck - hope it goes well xxx :flowers:

16-01-08, 13:00
Hi Jon,

You could do a lot worse than take along a print out of this thread!
You have set out,in very clear terms,how you are feeling.
if you have any questions,write them down and take them with you.
Be firm with the Doctor-show him/her how determined you are to improve your health.
Best wishes,