View Full Version : Night Sweats

16-01-08, 11:52
Help – I am frantic with worry. Over the past 9 months (probably since the PA started) I have suffered from really bad night sweats. I wake up in the morning some mornings literally soaked in sweat. It is not my duvet because I am the same if I stay elsewhere. I have now googled this and frightened myself totally and utterly.

I already sleep with my window open a small bit (even in the winter). My partner says that he thinks it is because I tend to bury myself in the covers and then do not tend to move around much in the night. Although I am early 40s I do not think it is hormonal – I had some recent hormone tests done and they came back really good.

Can anyone give me any advice or suggestions before I convince myself that google is right and I am suffering from something dangerous?

16-01-08, 12:06

You haven't mentioned if you're taking any medication ?

I suffer with night sweats too, but have always put it down to my medication.

16-01-08, 12:16
Hi Katie76 cheers for responding.

I am now taking Citalopram but these started before that. The Citalopram has started me feeling very hot during the day too!.