View Full Version : Had another wobble...

16-01-08, 12:05
Been doing quite well recently, then this morning my eye was achy, so I looked up Drusen on the internet (I know, I know :rolleyes: ) because back in Sept I had a problem with my eye and was transferred to Eye casualty and they said I had Drusen in my eye. But that it was no problem.

But then reading on the web today I found out it can severely effect vision in some people! I am so scared of losing my sight!

My Dad said the consultant would have said if he thought I would lose my sight but its just in my head now that I am going to.

Having a headache isnt helping.

16-01-08, 12:51

You naughty googler!!! LOL. awwww hun i'm sure your eye is going to be just fine and your dad is right, if you were going to lose your sight then i'm quite sure you would have been warned about it.

Take care

Love Lisa xxx

16-01-08, 12:55
Hi Barbie,

Like a lot of people here-me included- you have difficulty in accepting the diagnosis of Doctors/Consultants.
Practice your acceptance one day at a time.Bit by bit,things should improve.
Googling hurts!!--don't do it unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences
Best wishes,