View Full Version : Blocked Ear

17-01-08, 02:40
Hi All,
Over the Christmas holidays I caught the usual cold and my ear became blocked. Thinking nothing of it I let it go and have avoided going to the doctors 'cos of the norovirus thing. I have a doctor's appointment for friday but I was just wondering if anyone knows much about the link between anxiety and ear problems? Apparently there's research being carried out on it. I have been barely able to hear anything in my left ear for 5 weeks now and it seems to be getting worse as I can hear a loud heartbeat too. I didn't want to consider going on medication at all a while ago but now I just want a quick fix from it all.....and yes, I googled. Don't hurt me!!
If anyone else has this problem I'll let you know what the doc says on friday, hope it will help.

Lucy xx

17-01-08, 10:30
I also had a cold before christmas and was left with a blocked ear it was a horrible feeling but i really did not want to go to the doctors as the last time i tried to have my ears syringed it made me really dizzy and i had a panic attack, so this timei bought some ear drops from the chemist called earex which breaks the wax down and after i few days my ear was fine so that is what i shall be using from now on unless it stops working and then i suppose i will have to see the doctor.
Take care

17-01-08, 11:44
Be careful with the ear drops that have acid in them (where you can hear it bubbling away!) that you don't use them more than the recommended few days at a time. I used them for a week once, and it affected my eardrum - everything went horrendously loud for a day or two (needed antibiotics).
I was in bed cursing the washing machine downstairs, every footstep that was boomingly loud from our house and our neighbours, and every car that went past was really nasty!
When something goes that badly wrong with your hearing you just wonder if it will ever stop! Very unpleasant.
So now I use the drops that are just oils, as that's a lot gentler on the ears. For some reason I tend to need a syringing every year or two, it just builds up somehow. The process is loud, but not too bad and it doesn't usually take too long, it's amazing how much yuck comes out and it's great to hear things with crystal clarity again afterwards.

04-09-17, 22:13
I also woke up this morning with a blocked left ear. I really don't feel well now. I couldn't get an appointment for the doctors until friday. :( I just want my hearing back, I feel sick and tired.
It's been blocking up for a while now, especially in a morning but it always 'popped back' if I jiggled my ear lobe a bit...but it's just not come back today and I'm worried I'm going to go completely deaf :(
I'm scared to go to sleep. :( I don't know what to do....

06-09-17, 20:36
I also woke up this morning with a blocked left ear. I really don't feel well now. I couldn't get an appointment for the doctors until friday. :( I just want my hearing back, I feel sick and tired.
It's been blocking up for a while now, especially in a morning but it always 'popped back' if I jiggled my ear lobe a bit...but it's just not come back today and I'm worried I'm going to go completely deaf :(
I'm scared to go to sleep. :( I don't know what to do....

you will be fine - even if it does block up more, you wont go completely deaf. Put some olive oil in and some cotton wool to stop it dripping out