View Full Version : Health anxiety has no end

17-01-08, 12:22
Here I am sitting here on my computer after not being able to sleep. I am unable to sleep due to fear of death. I am feeling emptness and tenderness around chest area along with a bad taste in my mouth. Not sure if any of it is anxiety triggered, almost impossible for me to tell. I have been to the doctor 3 times this week over other health worries and all were fine. I'm feeling hesitant to go to the doctor due to the fact that I never know if i truley need help. All i do is google the symptoms and that just gets me to serious stuff that scares you even more. For example after googling my symptoms now, I got to the conclusion of liver failure. Which isnt that realistic since im in decent shape and only 18 but it still worries me :weep:

17-01-08, 12:42
Hi JayJay,

Ok hun, i think what you are going through is pure anxiety/health anxiety! have you read through the forum at all? if not, then give it a try. i'm sure you will find lots of useful advice there.

p.s......NEVER google!! it just fills your mind up with what if's and maybes and make the situation a whole lot worse.

Take care


17-01-08, 14:52
Hi Jay Jay,

Welcome to the Forum!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Lisa hit the nail on the head-googling hurts!!!
Your symptoms could well be anxiety-related.Have you spoken to your Doctor about this?Show him a copy of your post which sets things out very clearly.A proper diagnosis can be really helpful.
You will get loads of support and advice in the Forum.
Best wishes,

17-01-08, 15:22
How does one stop obsessing. since being on anti depresssants several of which havent worked i cannot stop looking on websites etc about varying successes or otherwise.As I'm getting deserate that nothing is going to work the obsession is getting worse. Short of throwing laptop out of the window any suggestions.


18-01-08, 08:41
Here I am sitting here on my computer after not being able to sleep. I am unable to sleep due to fear of death. I am feeling emptness and tenderness around chest area along with a bad taste in my mouth. Not sure if any of it is anxiety triggered, almost impossible for me to tell. I have been to the doctor 3 times this week over other health worries and all were fine. I'm feeling hesitant to go to the doctor due to the fact that I never know if i truley need help. All i do is google the symptoms and that just gets me to serious stuff that scares you even more. For example after googling my symptoms now, I got to the conclusion of liver failure. Which isnt that realistic since im in decent shape and only 18 but it still worries me :weep:

Hello Jayjay. I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning. :hugs:

Your symptoms sound very healthy anxiety related.

I put myself through hell and endless tests last year - my anxiety seemed to hit a real all time high. Every ache and twinge, I googled it, got myself into a panic and straight off to the doctor and then getting tests done so I know how destroying it can be. Of course all were negative but boy, what a stressful time.

I dont want to sound condescending, but at 18 your body will be going through many changes still so I expect all these things you feel are pretty normal. I remember sufferering terrible aches and pains going through my teenage years.

Everytime you get the urge to goggle, just jump on here instead and talk - it'll be much better for you. :D

18-01-08, 18:18
Hi Jay,

I agree with everyone else, googling is very harmful! Your mind can actually create symptoms that you read about and it can create so many more problems.
This is a great place to come when you are feeling the urge to google etc. Also I recommend exercising or meditating when the feeling comes up. Do whatever you can to stop the negative thinking in its tracks.
I hope you feel better and enjoy this forum!