View Full Version : Just need to rant

17-01-08, 12:56
I just need to get this of my chest,my husband this morning had a go at me for always thinking on the bad side of everything. We live near the Thames and with all the rain we've had the river is high and I am worried about it flooding. He says it wont and said why do I always think the worst, I said I am sorry but that is just the way I am. Also he is a bit deaf and says he can hear everybody else except me, why am I always in the wrong!! Went shopping and felt like crying on the way, am I just a woose?:blush:

17-01-08, 13:25
Aww Lesley, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling too good.

To be fair, I'm not surprised you're worried about flooding as its happened in so many other places recently, so its not totally irrational. But then you have to try not to dwell on it so much that it makes you feel ill.

I've had the same thing off my boyfriend in that I am a pessimist and I think the worst of everything. And I do try not to be so pessimistic, I try to think more positive, but its hard when its not in your nature.

You're not a wuss at all, you're just sensitive to things (as am I) and there's nothing wrong with that.

p.s. whereabouts near the Thames are you? I used to live in Kingston :)


17-01-08, 18:57
Hi Lilith, I live in Staines , I have been trying to be positive but somet
imes it is hard. I will try and look on the bright side from now on but I've always been a negative person it drives me mad too!
Thank you for your reply:flowers:

17-01-08, 20:03
Hiya hun
I think alot of people can always expect the worse. I am terriable at that. Sometimes it helps to stand back and try and think about all the different possibilities.
Someone on here posted a quote that i love. It goes something like this:
There was a strom and piglet said to pooh "what if that tree falls on us" and poohs reply was "what if it doesnt fall on us"
(i do appoligise for proberly getting that completly wrong but the points the same)

It is always hard for people who maybe dont understand how you feel and this can cause themto sometimes be abit short with you. This does not mean you are a woose at all. To be brave you have to be scared first.

Try not to worry about the flooding. Iknow its hard but try and distact yourself.

Hope that makes abit of sence.

18-01-08, 10:07
Thanks Blackie, yes of course it makes sense ,I tell others on the forum to distract themselves but it's not easy to do it yourself lol:blush: .