View Full Version : Nausea

16-01-08, 21:04
Hi I just happen to find your forum, when I searched for help with constant nausea.
Sine July 2007, I have had nausea, mainly in the evenings, but daily, my when I first went to see my GP he sent me for a ultra sound scan (assuming I was pregnant) they found I had a couple of Gall stones, so put it down to that. and prescribed me domperidone, which did help for a while, I was then sent to see a General Surgeon with the view to having my Gall Bladder removed who wasn.t totally convinced that the nausea was being caused by the Gall Bladder, (due to the fact I had no pain) I am now on Metoclopramide, and Lansoprazole, which are nor really helping.
I also have what I can only describe as Panic attacks, at night when I am in bed, sweating, heart racing, bile in the mouth and a overwheling wave of depression.

Can any one help?


20-01-08, 20:00
hi sandra
i can totally symphatise with you on this hun,as i have had constant nausea for a while now(which i really can,t stand!)
i have been to the doctors too and got some anti-nausea meds but i,m not really one for taking meds so only really take them when i really have to
and latetly i have had a few panics but really trying to overcome them
i just wanted you to know that your not alone and that i think this is all part and parcel of anxiety

20-01-08, 20:10
I feel sick all the time. Every single day.