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04-03-05, 12:19
hi again everyone,
ive had a really bad few days with my anxiety/panicking,to the extent of running out of work,i really regret it now, i told my x boss that i was really sorry,i explained everything to him, only to be given the cold shoulder, well stuff him now, i wouldnt go back if he begged me now, hes one of these bosses who doesnt understand what we go through, anyway can anyone tell me about incapasity benefit, [?] cause i asked income support, if i could claim again they said yes,and also i could claim for this other benefit, is this a seperate payment or do they take it out of ur income support, [if u see what i mean] like they do with lone parent benefit.i dont know much about this one luv sue[:I]

04-03-05, 13:12
Hi Sue

Sorry to hear how horrible your boss was, i hate people who dont even try to understand it.

I have no ideas about how to claim the benefits but i am sure if you contact your tax office they will be able to lead you in the right direction.

Good luck and i hope you get sorted soon.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

04-03-05, 14:03
Hi Sue

If you are awarded incapacity benefit then the amount you receive for this will be taken off the amount you receive in income support.

The Citizens Advice Bureau could help if you need more advice with this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-03-05, 14:39
im on incapacity benefit because i cant work. you need to go to your job centre with a note from your doctor saying you are signed off. then u can fill in income supprt forms and incapacity benefit and they then decide which one u can recieve depending on how much national insurance you have been paying in the past.
i get income support but its funded by incapacity. Give the job centre a call but make sure you have not from the dr before you go in
hope this helps.

04-03-05, 14:44
Its like karen said they give you one benefit and take it out of another so you get nothing:(
I think the only Benefit they dont touch is DLA disability Living Allowance. I am not sure if you can claim this, but I get it becouse i lost my sight a few years ago and thery cant even stop DLA even if you return to work. As Karen said though righ Citisens advice. they will help you and help with forms etc, its them who put me onto DLA. take Care. Vernon

04-03-05, 16:03
thanks guys
i dont know why they give it one hand and take it from the other, whats the point in that, still never mind, regards sue