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View Full Version : Are Prozac side effects really worse than anxiety symptoms?

18-01-08, 14:08

I have just started Prozac this week 10mg for the last three days, then up to 20mgs tomorrow for two weeks and then 40 mgs after that.

After having read the posts on these forums I was really worried about side effects of Prozac reading of so many who quit because of side effects. My thing is I experience a lot of severe somatic symptoms as a result of my anxiety, before I have ever taken any medication, that fuel my health anxiety. Some of my somatic symptoms include dizziness, headaches, sinus congestion, neck and back pain, tingling arms and legs (with numbness on occaion), GERD continuous burping, IBS and diarahea, and insomnia.

So my question is are the side effects of Prozac truly worse than having experienced the above listed symptoms continuously for the last few years?


18-01-08, 14:41
Hello :)

I had Prozac for about 6 weeks I think. I changed to Citalopram because of side effects. However, they weren't anything like the symptoms you have mentioned. The main problems I was having were insomnia and a decreased appetite. I think that was probably in conjunction with panic.

I'd give the Prozac a go. Some people hate it, but others love it. It's the same with all these drugs, some get on really well and others don't. It might work brilliantly for you.

I suppose the bottom line is, if you're already experiencing somatic symptoms, you have nothing to lose from giving it a try. Once you start, you usually have to give it several weeks before you will notice an improvement. Keep in regular touch with your GP during this time.

Good luck xxx :flowers:

18-01-08, 14:58
Thanks Dying Swan. That's kind of what I figured that the meds can't be worse than the illness. I had asked for a Psychiatrist referal to manage my medication and even after just a couple of sessions I think he is quite good so we'll stay on top of it.

Thanks again.


18-01-08, 15:14
hi ive had success and failure on prozac. after which i also became too worried to take meds. but i havent ruled out trying them again. i think you would know the 'real' symptoms from your general; anx feelings. i also couldnt eat or sleep, basically i just felt speeded up for 2 weeks and it wasnt very nice, there is no way i would have given them another 2-4 weeks, as i had had no symptoms whatsoever before.id say give them a go because you can always stop if you cant cope with any side-effect. the first time i took them i might have just been lucky, i think they do still work eventually, even if you do have side-effects, but after 4 weeks id say bin them if they are still making you feel worse. emma

18-01-08, 15:21
Thanks, at this point I would have difficulty figuring out what "worse" feels like.


18-01-08, 16:05
well by worse i mean unbearable?