View Full Version : heart anxiety.

18-01-08, 14:25
Hi all,

I am so so sorry to keep ranting on about my heart, but thinking that i have some serious problem is, i fear, becoming an obsession.

When i am not thinking about it, ie am doing someting else such as meeting with friends,baby massage, im fine and totally unaware of my heart and have no negative thoughts etc.

BUT...as soon as i feel a little palp i start to think whats going wrong and im ogoing to die, im getting better at coping with the negative thoughts as they come, but it annoys me that im having them ata ll.

and whats worse is that i feel i am over my anxiety generally, its the heart issue when i have the palps that causes me more anxiety.

How can i get out of this before it really does become an obsession?

Cassi xxx

18-01-08, 17:48
Hi Cassi,

I've just posted my first post in the newcomers section, so if you read it you'll see that when extremeley stressed, I used to get palpitations quite a lot.
I used to work as a Cardiographer in a hospital on Merseyside and realised that palpitations can be a naturally occurring phenomenon.
We used to have young persons (as young as 16) coming into hospital with palps caused by exam stress etc. Even big strong lads convinced they were going to die when what they had was entirely natural, and may even have been muscular, or nerves twitching.
Sometimes the body goes through phases of adjusting itself and the heart can respond to different stimuli such as coffee, cheap cola, stress etc...
Chances are, the palps you're feeling are not life threatening and if the "23" next to your name is your age then you're still really young and the body changes lots around our age and palps usually pass off sooner or later.
Most patients who wore ECG monitors for their hearts for 24 hours often come back with some form of palpitation...in fact there won't be many people in the world who have NOT had a few and maybe not even realised!
I used to have runs of palps in work when I got extremely panicked but now that I've left, I very rarely get them anymore.

18-01-08, 18:54
Hi Cassi,

I've just posted my first post in the newcomers section, so if you read it you'll see that when extremeley stressed, I used to get palpitations quite a lot.
I used to work as a Cardiographer in a hospital on Merseyside and realised that palpitations can be a naturally occurring phenomenon.
We used to have young persons (as young as 16) coming into hospital with palps caused by exam stress etc. Even big strong lads convinced they were going to die when what they had was entirely natural, and may even have been muscular, or nerves twitching.
Sometimes the body goes through phases of adjusting itself and the heart can respond to different stimuli such as coffee, cheap cola, stress etc...
Chances are, the palps you're feeling are not life threatening and if the "23" next to your name is your age then you're still really young and the body changes lots around our age and palps usually pass off sooner or later.
Most patients who wore ECG monitors for their hearts for 24 hours often come back with some form of palpitation...in fact there won't be many people in the world who have NOT had a few and maybe not even realised!
I used to have runs of palps in work when I got extremely panicked but now that I've left, I very rarely get them anymore.

great post tony and welcome to the site.Its just hard sometimes to get our head around somethnig that feels soooooooo strange in our chest to be normal.Even though ive had 7 ecg,s seen 5 DIFFERENT doctors im still thinking there is something wrong so my g.p is sendind me to see a Cardiologist to get a 24 hr monitor done and she says"im only doing for your peace of mind because your fine"!!!!!.Sometimes our brains can be a pain lol

Rachey poos
18-01-08, 23:44
Worrying about them makes them worse... mark my words...read my blog (link below) and you will read about my journey xx