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View Full Version : standing in for long periods of time

04-03-05, 15:33
I am doing alot better now havnet had a attack for about 5 weeks i can go out anywhere and even go to asda now which was something i couldnt do for a long time.

But the only thing that still panics me when i go out is if i have to stand for a while like in a qeuea (cant spell it sorry) i start to get panicky and think to myself if i stand too long will i faint.
It is driving me nuts i have never fainted apart from when i was 11 so why do i think this.

Does anyone else feel like this when they stand for a while in shops.

04-03-05, 16:00
hi yes i get exactly the same when it comes to queing, try to keep distracted as you wait, count the number of items in the trolley or i always step from foot to foot, its hardly noticable but keeps your mind off the panic

fan x

04-03-05, 16:41
im the same, if i feel like i have to wait or i cant just get in and out in my own time i get panicky. if im free to walk around a shop or go somewhere and have no restrictons im fine. but put me in a queue or traffic james im terrible! your not alone with that one!

04-03-05, 17:18
Standing in a Queue gives you time to think and become aware of every movement in your body and then the thought of faint springs into you mind and you follow it.

Distraction and mantras help

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

04-03-05, 17:21
tks guys im glad to know im not alone next time i have to stand in a shop i will do something to take my mind off it.

04-03-05, 18:28
Hi Taylor

Just like Meg says time to think. I sometimes feel like that in a queue as i feel pressured that i cant just walk away as people will see a massive sign on my head saying NUTTER, but they wont i know that.

You are doing really well and looking back soon a queue wont phase you either.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

04-03-05, 19:25

I still get this occasionally.

Distraction works - start talking to the person behind or in front of you in the queue. Start reading the labels on your shopping and above all know that you are fine, nothing will happen and it is just a bit of claustrophobia cos you can't run off easily.

It comes with practice.


05-03-05, 01:03
Hi Taylor

I used to get this all the time, still get it ocassionally now. It does get better with time, trust me.

Take care

Elaine x

05-03-05, 17:56
Hi Taylor
This was one of the worst times for me, I still avoid long queues now, I try to concentrate on my breathing and relaxing my shoulders etc, it's interesting to read how others cope in queues because I still struggle, I found the flourescent lighting in shops would make me worse I would imagine they were going to make me faint from the flickering, it's funny I was about to say this sounds mad but I feel I can say what I feel here and no one will think I'm mad :D
Take care

23-03-09, 01:04
I always avoid the longest ques and have been known to sometimes walk around the shop a few times until a short que is available.....the longer I stand, the more panicky i get. Im currently reading a book about tackling panic attacks and all you have to do is apparently keep asking for more panic....show no fear of the sensations and they will subside. distraction is also good....for some reason, eating something and listening to my ipod in the que helps....have a packet of gum or some gummy sweets in your pocket to chew on....it does help, trust me. eating releases seretonin (that lovely little happy drug in your brain) so helps reduce the anxiety.....and helps distract you.