View Full Version : Only thing that calms my anxiety is alcohol

18-01-08, 18:31
I'm not drinking to excess but it does calm my anxiety down. I don't want to be like this forever. I am going to be 42 in 2 weeks time and feel like my life is half gone and worry about getting some hideous illness.
I've been like this for the past two weeks - please tell me I'll be able to overcome it - at the moment I just want to run away from myself.

18-01-08, 18:37
Hi Amanda,

Ok love, i know exactly what you mean. I have a couple at night too, but it is very very easy to slip into the habit and this is what we must keep an eye on.

If it is becoming a problem and is truely worrying you then maybe have a little chat with someone on one of the alcohol helplines for a little advice.

Take care hun

18-01-08, 23:08
Dear Amanda,

I really do understand what you are going through. The fact that you were strong enough enough to post your struggles here, will in turn, be the same strength that you will use to pull yourself through this rough spot in the road.

There was a time when I would drink myself into pure numbness, because it was how I dealt with facing all of my problems, including OCD, severe depression, anxiety, etc. The hard truth of it, is that while I was drowning my worries away, I allowed a gateway for the OCD to take hold of me, which enacted a vicious cycle. This cycle eventually became not only a mental fixture, but also a physical fixture. I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with having a good time with friends and going out and having a drink. But, when alcohol becomes a method of trying to bury pain, the result, every single time, will lead to an obsessive dependence, both mentally and physically. I'm not preaching or saying this is easy. I am saying that you can and will make the right decision to take care of yourself.

You mentioned that your birthday is coming up, and you feel that your life is half over. I will remind you that there is another way of looking at this. If you were to go back, and see the many experiences that you've been through in your life, you will understand how your inner strength has brought you to this point. I see it, as that you have so many other things in your life that you need to accomplish. The past is the past, and it's time to look forward to the great things ahead.

Now, all you have to do step over this hurdle, and lock on to the mindset that from this point on, you will do whatever it takes to take care of yourself, and seek any means necessary to keep you from back-tracking. The bottom-line is a question that you will have to ask yourself. What direction will you go? It sounds simple and easy, but it is the question that I asked myself a number of years back, when I would try to curb the incredible misery that I felt. I can honestly tell you, that despite the depression, OCD, anxiety, and agoraphobia that I still struggle with today, I am glad I chose the path to stay strong and continue to fight for control of myself. There is no doubt in my mind, that you CAN and WILL overcome this.

Please take care of yourself, and stay strong! Like many others here, I will help in any way that I can. Let us know how you are doing.


David (NewDawnFades)

19-01-08, 09:24
I just want to reiterate what Lisa and David have said. You have to be careful that you dont slip further regarding the alcohol use.

Alcohol, in certain amounts, makes anxiety worse. It may be that you gradually need more and more of it in order to make you feel better and this wouldnt be good.

Have you seen your GP? I would suggest going to see him/her and maybe request seeing a counsellor. Talking to someone about your feelings would help you a lot more than alcohol ever will.

Take care hun xxxxx

19-01-08, 09:24
Hiya hun
Off course you can overcome this. I can totally understand how your feeling. It may seem impossiable at the moment but by taking one step at a time you can do this.
I know what you mean about the alcohol but this is a visious cycle. The more you drink, the more anxious you will feel the next day. It will also increase the depressive moods too. It really is best to drink within moderation which is what i am tring to do now. I feel much better not drinking although i find it very hard in the evnings.
I find trying to relax and distraction a great way to help with the anxiety. This varies for everyone. I love reading and hot baths to help calm me.
Have you visited you doctor? They might be able to refer you to someone who you can talk to which can be helpful.
Dont despair hun. I know its hard but you can do this. Little steps and reward yourself.
Take care

21-01-08, 16:17
Thank you all for your kind replies - am feeling a bit better. No alcohol at all yesterday but might succumb to a G+T this evening as hubby is away. However, likely to be only one or two as I am not a big drinker on the whole.

Thank you all for your hugs and best wishes.

22-01-08, 00:10
I know how you feel honey.
On more than one occasion I've ended up drinking to cope with my anxiety.
It seems like an easy option, an escape from your mind and the thoughts going on.
But you can only escape for so long, you have to face the thoughts and concur them.
No doubt, it will be hard, and scary. But you can overcome it, and you will be a much stronger person after it.
Best wishes :)

22-01-08, 02:02
Hi Amanda,
I know exactlly where you are coming from. When I had a drinking addiction I hid it from everyone for over 5 years. I was drinking at least 12 beers a night. In the end all it did was make my depression and anxiety worse. All of my older sibblings including myself were abused by our father our entire lives, but drinking doesn't take the memories away, I learnt this the hard way. My two eldest sisters have died due to their substance abuse, so it won't help at all. The best help I have ever found has been since I'd joined this web site. When I feel sad, lonely or just feel like chatting or having a good laugh, I go into the chat/lounge and I always feel better for it.

Looking forward to talking to you in chat soon


22-01-08, 09:33
Just to ad to the other's comments really..i too drank far too much[hence my avator]i drank for confidence..i drank for courage..i drank as i was scared of life..i drank TOO MUCH!:ohmy: i still have a drink at the weekends[still too much too probably:blush: ]but for different reasons..simply to enjoy myself.:) And Sarah jane ..my heart goes out to you hun..what brave person you are:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-01-08, 20:36
I just wanted to say I've been here too.

I reached a stage where things felt so hopeless that I would get a bottle out, have a drink which led to another and another until the bottle was empty.

Having one or 2 drinks is fine as long as it doesn't become a habit and is drunk in moderation. Of course there's the physical harm drink can cause too.

However, as we know, drink will make us feel even more depressed being a depressant and if we're taking medication as well, it can turn into a lethal combination. The more I drank, the more depressed I became, the more I wanted to take medication or self harm to ease my feelings. The more likely it was I overdosed too.

"A" drink can help but you have to be VERY careful when you suffer anxiety or depression. Think of the film stars who have lost their lives by "accident" due to drink and drugs, and you'll see what I mean.