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View Full Version : how many of us with ectopics have GERD,reflux etc??

18-01-08, 18:43
i do get heart burn alot and it makes my ectopics worse

18-01-08, 18:46
Hi Neil,

I do! alot too!! i get heartburn, chest pain, indigestion the whole shabang!!! lol


18-01-08, 18:48
Hi Neil,

I do! alot too!! i get heartburn, chest pain, indigestion the whole shabang!!! lol

yep that sounds like me too lol:D

Rachey poos
18-01-08, 23:50
For def... whem im at the height of anxiety I always get them after I have eaten... def linked... stomach irritates the vagus nerve! triggers tham off.... its horrid!
click on link to read daily diary

20-01-08, 21:05
I get heartburn and indegestion and i seem to suffer with some sort of gastric problem, but would never have the nerve to be tested! Lol.
My ectopics were definately better when i was on Omeprazole for a few months, that really calmed them down some.
I do think that people with anxiety suffer with gastric problems anyway as we are so sensitive to things that normally wouldn't bother us and because our stomach makes a lot of acid because of the anxiety - another vicious circle.x

tayside lassie
03-02-08, 22:49
i get them really bad after a meal and they last for 2-3 hours ,doctors suggested to have smaller meals through out the day also if you go a long time without food then have a large meal in the evening ,OMG major ectopics .

01-03-08, 12:05
Me too! :mad:

I don't get more ectopics with meals, but in periods with reflux I tend to get more ectopics. And in same period I get a fast heart rate after meals though....


03-04-08, 09:30
i dont have heartburn but they reckon I have gallstones-just waiting for the scan but yes I have ectopics


01-05-08, 23:10
Count me in...heartburn & reflux...ain't it great ?


04-07-08, 13:28
Is this a proven thing that ectopics can be cause by indigestion because I have suspected this before but never asked?

12-07-08, 03:26
I don't know if they are caused by indigestion, but I often get them after I eat...especially if I slouch over like at the computer or driving. I have to sit up very straight.

14-09-08, 15:57
I don't know if they are caused by indigestion, but I often get them after I eat...especially if I slouch over like at the computer or driving. I have to sit up very straight.
i get that too loads, i have read that the vagas nerve can trigger ectopics and that nerve is over stimulated with ,gerd,reflux etc

Jenny M
04-10-08, 19:16
There is absolutely no doubt that there is a direct connection between any acid problem such as indigestion, over acidity, reflux, hiatus hernia, GOARD or any other problem. It's like the positional problem, any pressure in the area of the diaphragm/heart is likely to set it off in people with "over sensitized hearts" or as my consultant put it "it just tickles the heart a little"! For me if I lay on my left side instead of my right side I get more ectopics because of the extra pressure. If you have any of the symptoms of over acidity, lots of burping that goes on after meals, reflux or any other symptom you should get it checked out anyway but even more importantly if you suffer from ectopics/arrhythmias.

23-11-08, 17:54
Can I ask you something?.. when you say you have ectopics what do you mean by it.. They are also called extra systole... There are ectopic rhythms coming from atrium or ventricle of the heart... ectopics can be normal in athletes and is usually not a cause of concern.. However if it comes during exercise then it needs to be looked at... an anxiety or panic attack is shown to be associated with arrhythmia.... I would imagine anxiey and panic attacks are like doing an exercise.. If you have any concern do go to your GP....You might require ECG and exercise ECG and probably echocardio if there are any concerns on the ECG to exclude any heart probs...

One has to remind oneself that anxiety symptoms include chest discomfort, choking sensation, palpitation ( heart beating) and sweating which can mimick a heart problem...

This was an article about panic attacks and arrhythmia....


I think you are right in saying that there is a relation between reflux, dyspepsia, heart rate as they are also controlled by vagal nerve... Anxiety causes increase in stomach acid which if persistent and in the absence of food can damage the stomach lining causing GORD, gastritis , peptic ulcer etc......Imagine stress is causative, contributing factor for stomach ulcer...


23-11-08, 18:41

i used to get ectopics real bad i have been to see a doctor at the hospital who was fab he said most people get them and people with ax and panic seem to focus more on them and there for feel them more.
i to get them still when i have a large meal but i try just to rest and try not to panic.
i would say it makes you feel so much better to go and get them checked out ,makes you see your heart is ok and no problems i am sure if there was a problem most of us would know now with the amount we get.
i think the key to not having so many ectopics is to not panic about them and realize they are just a extra beat lots of people get them and live with them all there life on and off.
i do go to the gym when i can and i do get ectopics when i am there more so when i stop,i dont panic as i have has my heart looked at and told i was ok.
jodie xx

02-01-09, 18:21
Heartburn and indigestion and reflux make my ectopics so much worse.

Gaviscon is a real help to me although sometimes even that doesn't work.

House fan
26-08-09, 15:37
Hi Will

Try taking 2 Pepto Bismol tablets 15 minutes after eating, I'll bet that works for you!

It's available over the counter in any pharmacists.


10-09-09, 01:41
Hi Guys

Yep i get the whole lot and definately i think there is a connection between them all. Sometimes as soon as I eat, wham off they start :ohmy: , horrid things.


11-09-09, 12:15
I have Reflux and the Ectopics are definately worse with more acid

11-09-09, 16:43
can i just thank you all,,as for years ive gotten the most ectopics just after eating,,but never knew why ,i do now,,i also suffer with acid attacks,,mainly at bed time,,,but i think im my own worst enemy as i cant eat all day makes me feel heavy and slow,,but by six in the evening im starving ,,so gulp my food down like no tomorrow ,,hence where my trouble lies,,plus im a huge fruit eater,,,so maybe where so of the acids from,,:blush:

11-09-09, 17:12
Me to...stomach feels bloated then the indigestion.. zantac helps.


05-10-09, 20:11
I'm starting to believe that's where my ectopic beats come from. I was feeling this way all weekend and then realized what I had eaten. The same thing happens when I slouch over too. So frustrating. TMI, but when I let out a little gas, the chest area starts to feel better as well as the pain I sometimes get in my arms.