View Full Version : Does this hell ever end

18-01-08, 19:06
I just feel like giving in... I just want some peace in my mind. I have been trying soooo hard over the last few weeks with positive thinking and all that but I am just tired. I have to go to a panto 2moro night with my sons and I want to just have some fun and spend some time with them but all I can think of is ... I am going to panic... There will be to many people. I have to get a outside sit and be near the door. I just do'nt think I can cope much longer feeling like this....................................

18-01-08, 19:21
Hi there - have a hug from me:hugs:

I know exactly how you feel - as I am feeling the same at the moment. There seems no end to the panicky feelings and dread that I feel.

I hope you have a great time at the panto with your family.:yesyes:

Take care x

18-01-08, 21:59
In know how you feel. I was at my doctors about a month ago asking him about shock therapy. I seriously wanted to know if they could kill the anxiety part of my brain because I was at my wits end.
Things got better, and worse and better again.
Anxiety is very cruel,painful and hard to understand but talking with those people who know how you feel can be so good for you.
Dont think about past days or days ahead just think and focus on the moment. Right now. It can be hard to do and sometimes really doesnt work but when it does its a true life saver.
I hope you have a good time at the panto.

19-01-08, 00:54
I'm So Sorry:hugs: Don't give up. I know its hard and i know its easier said than done, i'm probably not the greatest one to give advice but i take advantage of the good days whether their few or many and i just take it easy and tip toe through the bad days and try to take things day by day. Thats all we can do when we have anxiety cuz we don't know what the next day or night will bring. But try to have the most fun you can possibly have at the panto (even though i don't know what a panto is,,lol)
Take Care:)

19-01-08, 13:06
i feel the same at the moment horrible to feel like this all day everyday its so scary

19-01-08, 14:26
It does end. I felt like it never would at times but you do get through it. I wouldn't have believed a few years ago that I would never think about my health - but I don't now. I didn't think I'd ever get over panic attacks in general or be able to speak publicly, confidently, but I did and I can.

There's no easy solution, it's different for everyone - meds, change of lifestyle, diet even, more interests, CBT - all worth a go - but whatever happens never get so defeated that you think it will be like this forever, becasue it won't.

I was awful, permanently freaked out thinking I had MS or cancer or a million other things. Must have been a pain in the arse to everyone around me - but you're powerless, it consumes you. Gradually, you'll find a way, and it will go.

20-01-08, 15:22
Thank you all for your kind posts :yesyes:

20-01-08, 15:26
How was the panto?

20-01-08, 18:51
i think that we can tire our brains out with trying to think positively and so further entrap ourselves. its hard to explain but the best way i have found to get my anxiety under control is to totally accept it is there - i even invite it to come along with me when i leave the house (silly but it works!). This then sort of frees my brain up because it has permission to be with me and so i am not fighting it. changing every thought i have to positive does not really work for me - i just get tired and frustrated so what i do is to change the really obviously negative thoughts but i find with true acceptance - the anxiety calms and a lot of the negative thoughts do too.

you do need to keep up the effort of acceptance though! last week i was having a really bad few days until i totally gave in and accepted it again - today - i have barely given anxiety a thought - hopefully i will soon be able to keep it up all the time but total acceptance does seem to be the way forward so in your case it would be to invite it to the panto and say so what to all the i might panic thoughts. x

21-01-08, 20:21
The panto was great, I was was freaked out on the way to the panto, but once there and seeing my children having soooo much fun, I relaxed and had so much fun. When I got home I cried with relife, but I also felt proud of myself for not letting my family down, because some times I feel like I am letting my children down cause I can't do the things they want to do. I have put our names down for tickets for the next panto..
Thanks for your kind post

21-01-08, 22:17
Well done Laura that's a very positive step forward.