View Full Version : Cysts

18-01-08, 20:12
Im really worried tonight.

Ive had quite bad pain in the area where my right ovary is located for about a month. I had an internal scan a month ago when the pain started to see whether i have a cyst on my ovaries. They said i never but i do have PCOS. Im so worried i do have a cyst now and that it will burst and im gonna die :weep::weep:

Ladies, have any of you had a cyst on your ovary? Do you think i do?


18-01-08, 21:05
Yes I have had cysts on my ovaries - they can see them on an internal scan so if they said you don't have them then you do not.

PCOS can give you twinges. So can ovulation. Try to see what time of the month you get your pain.

18-01-08, 21:15
I had quite a large one a couple of years ago on my ovary which my doctor totally reassured me about, saying that many women will have them in their lifetime and never even know.

Mine was quite painful at the time and I had a scan, then 6 months later another scan (and it had grown even larger - gulp) but they still weren't concerned and would only remove it if it was troublesome to me. So then another 6 months later (18 months in total) I went for another scan and it had totally gone!!!

I am sure your doctor can reassure on how common these are and not something to be worrying about.

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-01-08, 21:45
yeah I have cycs as I have PCOS and they do get very painful but the docs don't seem to stressed about it. I don't think it's anything bad they will just keep checking it I think.

Maybe get a hot water bottle and lay with it on the area at night time, sometimes that helps me.

18-01-08, 22:02
When I was 14 I had a very large cyst on my ovary. It was so large that it was starting to collapse my bladder. I have never ever had pain like that in my life. I could stand up straight and was really really sick. I had it taken out right away.
Very large cysts are uncommon. Small cysts are very common and typical in women.
Most times they just go away on their own and even if they dont there are easy non invasive ways to solve the problem.
You will not die from a cyst, I promise!!!

18-01-08, 22:32
I am so glad i made this topic, you ladies really made me feel better! I think my fear has been heightened by my fear of hospitals.

Im a big coward, i know.

always scared
18-01-08, 23:46
I have a question
I too have been having right sided ovary pain on and off for years now.

What kind of pain do you all have with your cysts????

19-01-08, 00:38
I'm so sorry your having these problems but i might be able to help. I too have PCOS, it sucks i know, but i've had cysts and i also had one burst years ago, it hurts like crazy but it will not kill you, in fact when it happened the dr didn't do anything about it, just told me to take ibuprofin(sp?) There's a wonderful bunch of gals on a message board called soulcysters.net that have helped me so much with my pcos, they've been through it all including the burst cysts, many of them have had that happen and the only thing that happens is your in alot of pain. Check out the website, its great.
Hope your feeling better soon:hugs:

ETA: Your Not a coward

19-01-08, 00:41
I have a question
I too have been having right sided ovary pain on and off for years now.

What kind of pain do you all have with your cysts????

I have sharp pain with mine, sometimes it gets worse when i move quickly:winks:

19-01-08, 12:48
I have a cyst on my ovary and didnt even know it was there until i was scanned for another problem.
I was having it scanned every 6 months for about 18 months and as it had not grown the hospital has now discharged me. I worried for some time after that it would grow without me knowing and eventually burst but it seems from your posts that i would know if became troublesome so thanks for reassuring me.

19-01-08, 17:10
Hello :)

If you had a clear scan 1 month ago, I am sure you are fine.

I had a melon-sized cyst on each ovary until last year. I didn't know anything about it until I had a severe pain starting suddenly on the lower right side. It got so bad all over my tummy, I got sent into hospital. They thought it was appendicitis, but one had burst. Apparently it was a 'surgical emergency', but hey, I didn't die! It was also 2 days between it rupturing and me getting to theatre. Anyway, they removed them. My cysts aren't normal cysts - they are endometrioma's, which means they are blood-filled. The normal ones are just when the little cyst (Graafian follicle) which grows when you ovulate, doesn't pop and keeps growing.

If you have a cyst rupture, you'll know all about it. I was re-admitted about a month ago and have more of the darn things growing.

I think you probably don't have one. The sort of pain you can get varies....with the large ones, I didn't get any. With the small ones I have now, I get pain at the end of each period. It varies between a dull ache in my back, and sharp, intermittent pain in my ovary. The smallest one hurts more :shrug: Sometimes I also get a sharp pain if I turn over in bed quickly.

Keep in touch with your Doctor and have a further scan if needs be. Again, if your scan was clear a month ago, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. It has taken a year for mine to grow back, and they are only 2-3cm at the moment. Apparently this is rare anyway. Even in the worst case scenario and you end up with a ruptured cyst, you won't die!

Take care xxx :flowers: