View Full Version : Any ideas? Is this normal?

19-01-08, 00:44
Hi there all,
I don't know if any of this sounds familiar to anyone. I've been getting headaches and dizziness on and off for about two years, both of which started getting really bad about six months ago. Nothing ever came of it; I was investigated by my GP and A&E department and had normal CT and MRI scans. Then for no reason at all about a month ago I had a panic attack. I was off work for about a week and had several more, one of which was so debilitating my flatmates had to take me to Casualty. Since then I have had severe headaches and dizziness, much worse on moving my head and in the hours after waking up. I also find I'm really tired and sleep all the day but wake up several times during the night. The worst bit about it is that I get severe bursts of derealisation which are so scary and disorientating. I have never had feelings that I myself am unreal or ghost-like but severe feelings that everything else is a dream or not real. So bad in fact that I have to force myself not to do something foolish. For example, a person could be talking to me and I suddenly feel a headache come on and it's as if that person is not important anymore and I have a desire to just walk away or ignore them or sometimes to hit them. My GP has referred me to a neurologist and so far has not given me any antidepressants or antipsychotics. She only gave me some diazepam when I asked for it, although I have resisted taking all but one tablet so far. I've started taking St. John's Wort and chamomile tea and I'm taking lots of painkillers for the headaches. Thing is I'm meant to go back to work on Monday and I'm not sure if I should. When I don't have the headaches I feel all right (although I have become quite introverted and secluded - I think I'm becoming depressed) but when I get bad I get really bad, and my job is in a position whereby I have to care for a large number of people and it theoretically could be really dangerous.

I have no idea if any of this is striking any chords with anyone or if anyone can offer some support, but I'd be greatful for some advice. I'm starting to wonder if I DO have a psychiatric illness or an organic brain disorder (even though I know that's a symptom of generalised anxiety) since my symptoms seem a bit different to most other peoples'.

Thanks for reading and opinions very gratefully accepted.

L x

19-01-08, 15:06
hi Torsades
I think these headaches and dizzy spells are due to stress, I have had similar feelings myself and the behavioural trates are I believe are due to you being overloaded I would suggest that you seek pshcological help, St johns wort is excellent but I dont think diazepam is helpful. but lsiten to your body give youself more time, eat a healty diet, stick to a strict routine ,take excersie and relax and laugh with friends, try taichi. Try relaxation excercises to get you back to sleep. The deralisation is horrible take a deep breath concentrate on the orther person and listen to them not your thoughts, excususe youself if this doent work and distract yourself until it passes this is another symtpom and for the headaches try occasionally anadin as it seemed to work better for me. Do not take caffene after 12.00 Take a proper lunch in work or take in your favourite healthy salad which can be so enjoable it gives you relief and a giggle to youself at what you are doing. I thing these basic tips may help you
lots of hugs anne x

20-01-08, 17:26
Hi there Anne,

Thanks for your advice - I reckon I'll definitely try some of the stuff you suggest, particularly the t'ai chi. I'm pretty healthy in my diet at the moment anyway and go to the gym and keep myself pretty active and fit anyway. I've tried to keep off the diazepam.
Anyway, first day back at work tomorrow at 8am and I'm quite looking forward to it. Just hope it all goes well.
Past two days have actually not been too bad (although today I've been really dizzy and detatched.) I just feel so tired all the time!
Anyway, thanks again.
L x

holly's mum
20-01-08, 17:58
Hi - I have been getting really bad headaches lately and also dizzy spells. I was diagnosed with Anxiety through worrying about a lump in my breast a couple of months ago and have been told that its all down to stress (results came back ok). I have had no CT or MRI scans though and was wondering whether reducing Propranolol from 40 mgs 3 times a day to 10 mgs 3 times may be a withdrawal symptom (not sure) but it really does scare me when I have these dizzy turns (all of which I have told the doctor about) ??

20-01-08, 22:46
I am so pleased torsades you are feeling up to going to work, this is just a blip, not the real you, relax and know the detached feelings are all part of it.
Eat frequently incase feeling hypo exacebates these feelings and LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. love and hugs
anne xx
Dear Holly`s mum,
hi, is the propananolol for high BP? and have you had your bp checked.... what did the doctor say? anne xx

22-01-08, 15:02
Hi Torsades i suffer from huge bouts of derealsation and depersonilsation, they are crap feelings ..i was in the hairdressers just today with my young son..and i felt that nothing was real..i had to stop myself from tearing up the place ...do you often feel that you are viewing the just a pair of eyes!!! the dizziness shouldpass i have that on and off i think its the bodies reaction to certain triggers stay strong chat anytime i am an expert on the dp/dr side

love faith xxx

24-01-08, 13:48
Hey there faith,

Thanks very much - it's really reassuring to know its not just me! I've been back at work for 3 days now and although the symptoms can get really bad, I've stuck it out. I nearly went home early yeaterday but forced myself to stay and felt so much better for it. I can cope with the panic symptoms usually - its just the derealisation which freaks me out. I can't concentrate at all and doing everything is so difficult. Everything for me feels like a daydream - but always with a sinister edge to it. It's awful.
Anyway, I really appreciate all the support I get here so thanks everyone.
L x

25-01-08, 11:16
Hi Torsades,

Its really bizarre all this anxiety stuff it hit me hard a couple of years ago although I think I've had mild symptoms on and off for some years.

The best way to describe it is that you conquer it overtime but it does have a tendency to reoccur. I've really tried breathing therapies to help with the headaches which have been really helpful, exercise is also key. I've also found taking Bach Remedy helpful when i can fell the symptoms coming on and helps lessen the impact.