View Full Version : Extreme tension

19-01-08, 10:15
Does anyone else get ups and downs where some days are almost normal except for the occasional pa but other days you are extremly tense from within for no apparent reason?

Pink Panic
19-01-08, 11:13
OH YES I DO ...... Today is actually a bit like that and i have no idea why!


19-01-08, 14:03
Yes me to, perhaps it's just this dismal weather.All my muscles feel tight and burny,tension in my stomach and throat,breathing feels a bit out of sync. legs feel week and I'm slightly light headed

Pink Panic
19-01-08, 14:06
Nope, it's lovely and clear here in Scotland, the sun is even shining :D

I'm thinking it's that time of month again for me :blush:

19-01-08, 14:11
Ah right , I cant use that excuse,lol.

19-01-08, 14:40
yes i have got this too right now. all week i have been feeling ok and then bam out of the blue i am all panicky and light headed and weak. i m sure its just a blip

19-01-08, 15:06
Do you take anything on days like these, I was wondering whether I ought to start taking diazapam hust to help me relax?

19-01-08, 15:13
dont take diazapam its so addictive try natural remidies from the health food shop and relaxation excercises.

19-01-08, 15:33
Yes thats basically why I havn't started them, can you recomend a good natural remedy? I'm also on Angina and blood pressure meds,Slozem and Ramipril, I sometimes also take Simvastatin to lower my Cholesteral but they make me feel crap to.

Pink Panic
19-01-08, 15:48
My CPN told me that Psychs are rarely prescribing diazepam now in favour of drugs like quetiapine for panic symtoms as these are not addictive.


19-01-08, 16:33
Thanks Pink,but I think its conta indicated when taking other blood pressure drugs as it can produce a sudden postural drop, it can also increase levels of cholesterol by about 10%.

19-01-08, 16:34
The tension is of course our anxiety just under the surface causing the tension. It is horrible. Tension is the pre cursar to panic as far as I am aware.

The best thing for this is progressive muscle relaxation exercises on a daily basis, doing any kind of relaxation technique should bring the tension down. Chamomile tea is also good for helping y ou to relax when you feel like that.

Apart from that can't finkof nuffink else lol. xx

Take care.

PS Oh yes lie in a warm bath - fool the body into believe it is relaxed

19-01-08, 16:55
i really dont take anything on days like this. but just try and keep busy to try to distract myself. hard i know. i just hope tomorrow will be a better day

19-01-08, 16:58
Hi Yvonne,
Yea, my tension is like a very bad and elongated pa,I'm trying to learn Tai chi but it aint easy sometimes taking a couple paracetamol and going for a walk will help,that's what I did this morning and it helped,or maybe that's because the wife returned a lot of stuff to Next,lol. Just feel a bit shaky now with the occasional pa trying to break through.
It's just dunno what causes it, then I guess that's typical.

19-01-08, 19:46
I dont know which natural remidies to suggest with the medication you are on the pharmacist may have suggestions I can suggest to stop all caffene after 12.00 mid day and try tai chi or similar which will help you relax.

20-01-08, 02:56
Absolutely though if i look hard enough i can probably find the reason why. Often it is just after a stressful event. I find that when i feel like that I just need to go home and rest all evening, it is the only way to deal with it.