View Full Version : worries again...sorry.

19-01-08, 16:28
Iv just spoken to another gp over the phone.

After going to the docs on tue about my palps feeling 'different' to normal, he looked on my ecg and said it was fine, but i spied on my notes it said 'abnormal repolarisation' so since tue iv been in a constant state of panick over whet that means, each time coming to the conclusion im going to drop dead!

Anyway, she said that alot of times an ecg machine churns out alot of technical jargon that is nothing to worry about and this could have been caused because the leads were not on entirely properly/in wrong place etc. Also that if my doc had felt there was a serious problem i'd know about it!

I really am getting to the point where i feel like i cant do this anymore, i hate living like this, i just dont know how i can get past it. Im fine alot of the time but when it happens it scares the s**t outta me...so how am i meant to accept/ignore them?

Please help me, im going out of my mind and driving my husband crazy too.

19-01-08, 17:39
The only help i can give you cassi is that you just have to somehow accept them it is the hardest thing you will ever have to do! I have had mine constantly for two years now and like you in the beginning thought i was going mad... kept thinking the doctors have missed something etc...
It is because it is your heart it is so worrying
I got to a stage where i wouldnt hardly go out was deppressed and they have changed my personality but as time goes by you just have to gradually accept them the more you just learn to live with them the less you will get
they still do sometimes frighten me still ...but you have to remember they will not kill you or damage your heart in any way
and they feed off stress and anxiety there are hundreds of people living with these that dont even feel them we are just the unlucky ones
take care carol

20-01-08, 01:55
I don't know how old you are Cassi, but I'm guessing your'e young-the only reassurance I can give you, is that I have palps, ectopics and a heart murmur and I'm 52 and I'm still here! I swim, climb mountains ride a bike and have played sport ( I used to be a PE teacher ) and I've survived this far, I hope to live for quite a few more years yet, despite my anxiety, which is in control at the moment, but has been really bad, so I know how you feel, but stick with it and when nothing's happened after a few years, maybe you will finallly accept that if there really was a problem, your doc would do something about it.