View Full Version : hi everyone

20-01-08, 02:06
nice to meet you all:)
my name is sara and im nearly 33.
i suffer from agoraphobia and social phobia and have for as long as i can remember.
i live with my partner who is my rock and does so much for me and are 4 dogs, 3 yorkies tye zac and brandi and a shih tzu called suki.
i cant ever remember not feeling like i do even as a child.
my mum said it started when i was about 18 months old and she had to go in to hospital for a while, she said when she came out i wouldnt have anything to do with her for a few days and then i became very clingy.
as a child i would only talk to my nan, grandad, mum, dad, brother and sister i wouldnt talk to anyone else in the family.
i was banned from the play school as they said they had never seen a child soooo upset before at being left and could do nothing with me.
my mum then left me with her friend but one day she came back to find me still sitting in the same place that she had left me 5 hours before and still with my coat on and bag in hand, her friend just thought i would be like a normal kid and just take out my toys and played but i hadnt even moved.
at school i had a lot of friends and would talk to them but for my first whole year i wouldnt talk to the teacher and use to get my friend to talk to her.
school was very hard for me as i hated it, i just wanted to be at home with my mum.
i had a lot of time off school.
i have only ever worked for 6 months when i got a bit better but had to give that up as i had a relapes.
ive always felt like i do so trying to think of what it would be like not to be this way is very hard as i have no clue what it even feels like to be able to go on a bus on my own without panic.
anyway enough of me, how are all of you?:)

20-01-08, 02:28
Hello Sarah:welcome: to you!

Have some of these :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You'll find plenty of help and good advice here - there are many members who will be able to relate to your circumstances, so you're bound to make some new friends too.

Glad you joined us - pleased to meet you!


20-01-08, 02:30
thankyou groovygran :hugs:

20-01-08, 12:45
Hi Sara and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The great thing about NMP is that we're all in the same boat and can relate to one another. Have some hugs from me too for coming through such difficult times. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

20-01-08, 12:47
Hi Sara,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

20-01-08, 13:41

20-01-08, 13:42
Hi Sara and welcome to the forum :flowers:


20-01-08, 13:46
Hey Sara

Welcome to NMP!!! :)

Wolfie xx

20-01-08, 13:51
Hello Sara1975 :)

Welcome to NMP!

It sounds awful that you've had this for so long. I had never realised children suffered from this things until I joined this site, but it seems lots of members here had their problems start at a young age.

I hope you find the site helpful :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

20-01-08, 14:07
Hi Sara,

Welcome to the Forum!!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Hope you find loads of support and advice here.
Another dog lover too!!!-my Coco is nearly 16,half-blind,arthritic and a bit deaf!!
Best wishes,

20-01-08, 15:07
hi sara. a big warm welcome to you hun. im sorry you are not doing to good at the moment. after reading through your post i notice how much my daughter sounds like you where as a child. she has anxiety and panic disorder and has not been able to attened school properly for the last 2 years . she is 14 and always been a clingy child to, she has always found nusury/junior/seniour school hard to cope with and just wants to be at home with me. she is not attending school at all at the moment. when she is going thought a bad spell she dont like to leave the house or me to go out either and leave her. you will make lots of greats friends here who are always willing to talk and give advice. this site has been so much help to me and my daughter and im sure it will be for you to. hope to see you in the chat room.
take care.


20-01-08, 15:29
Hi sara

Welcome to the site. I'm 33 as well and a big, in fact HUGE dog lover.

Take care

Cassie xx

20-01-08, 15:40

You aint huge! bout average size I should say!!!!!!
Hee Hee


20-01-08, 15:46
Hi Sara

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

21-01-08, 00:34
Hi Sarah, have you had any medical help yet? It's great that your memory serves you well back to childhood, I'm sure lots of us would appreciate that fact for ourselves. I hope you find the help that you need right here .

21-01-08, 19:57
Hi Sara

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you ere.

Hope we can be of some help.

21-01-08, 23:48
hi everyone , thankyou for such a warm welcome:D
awww doggie lovers on here too, i have 2 oldies , tye and zac my yorkies are 14 year old twins.
i think a lot can go right back to someones childhood, sometimes something that to one child is no big deal can be massive to another.
i have had help for my phobias before and it seemed to work as i got a job for the first time were i stayed for 6 months but it some ways it made me worse.
if i go out i have to put on what i call my going out sara, you know the one thats happy and not panicing, to cover up how im feeling, but the only thing was to go to work i had to stay in the going out sara all the time which ment i wasnt being myself.
thing is being like iam feels normal to me as ive always been like.

22-01-08, 08:00
Hi Sarah and welcome :)


07-10-09, 01:39
I thought id better bring this up again as i haven't been on here for aaaaaaaagessssss, how is everyone?:yesyes: