View Full Version : Is anxiety inherited?

20-01-08, 16:50
As a life long sufferer from anxiety and'bad nerves' I often wonder if I can blame my ancestors for it or if I learned to be anxious from my parents. As a child I was told that I was 'highly strung' and some times I think this was a self fulfilling prophecy. My Mother's family had a history of nervous episodes and psychosomatic illnesses and all the women seem to have had long drawn out menopauses with many symptoms. They year before I was born my parents lost a three year old daughter and my Mother fell for me a few months after her death when she was still very upset. I wonder if somehow this got through to me in the womb.After my birth she had severe post natal depression which I must have picked up on. I also suffered from this with two of my pregnancies. Only one of my three children has inherited my bad nerves and his symptoms are just like mine. The other two are totally 'normal'. Perhaps other forum members could give me their views on the nature or nurture debate.

20-01-08, 21:10
Hello Grace,

I think the bottom line would be that it doesn't really matter why we're prone to anxiety but sometimes it does help us to understand our actual fears if we learn where they've come from. However, the most important thing that Does matter is looking forward by learning how to cope with our fears that we develop.

I do find the subject interesting though because I don't feel it's clearcut as to the actual causes. I think people would agree in me saying that generally speaking, a person who is born with a sensitive and "worrying" nature is more prone to anxiety. However, I also know of people who suffer anxiety due to a specific traumatic event.

Where our sensitive nature originates is hard to say. It could be that one or both of our parents also have a sensitive nature but that doesn't mean you're certain to also have a sensitive nature. We may not be born with their traits. Also, the youngest offspring would appear to be more vulnerable to developing anxiety especially if they have also have a sensitive nature.

There is also our upbringing and the experiences we are exposed to to consider. Rather like a sapling growing. It is shaped by the breezes it encounters. A sensitive sapling would be more prone to being affected by severe storms.

I think it's more a case of knowing how to treat anxiety IF someone develops problems rather than looking for causes and trying to prevent fears and anxiety symptoms from occurring. We are what we are. We're all individuals with different personalities who are exposed to different events. We have to deal with our problems as they arise.

However, I do find it an interesting subject because anxiety is very complex. In looking back, I can understand why I'm like I am and I find that helps me to rationalise my thinking processes sand so counteract my fears.

20-01-08, 23:49
Alls I Can Say Is In My Whole Dads Side They All Had Anxiety Ect And I Didnt Know Till I Actually Gotten It And All My Siblings, To Some Extent My Son Had It When He Was Small Now My Eldest Has A Fear Of Eatin In Public So I Would Say Its Chemical Also.............wish Ya Well........linda

20-01-08, 23:52
Oh Let Me Add To That Dont Mean Everyone In Fam Would Get It....

21-01-08, 08:12
My GP told me there is sometimes a genetic weakness that makes family members prone to anx or depression etc. In my case, he thinks it is likely I will have always have problems to some degree because my nan had mental health problems and my mum and sis both have anx probelms.

Obviously it doesnt always develop in everyone and some people develop it with no family history but it is an interesting area to look into


21-01-08, 15:52
i think that chronic m/h problems are inherited, on my mothers side there is lots ,same with my fathers side, my brother is ill , i am ,the facts are obvious. i used to belive in the nurture idea and i blamed my dysfunctional upbringing for my problems, i spent years in therapy looking for an answer,- i think in general humans initally look for someone /something to blame when things go wrong. i find the hardest thing for me is to accept my illness, as somedays i'm fine/clear, others the opposite- i wish there as a magic bullet!