View Full Version : woke up in nite ..so sick

20-01-08, 22:15
hi, im hoping someone can help me with this...

ive been doing so well lately, then last night, i wake up in the middle of the night, and boom.......soon as i wake, im feeling like im gonna throw up....badly, so badly, i wake my hubby, get him to get a bucket, and my body is covered with sweat...i felt so so sick, i was sure i was going to throwup. ....waking up this morning, i feel ok......?????? now im freaking out as to what is wrong with me....

ive had times recently when ive been woken from deep sleep before and its made me feel a bit sick and dizzy....just not like this..never badly nausious and in cold sweats......

can anyone help at all...is it anxiety? if i was ill wouldnt i still feel just as bad today?..... im freaking its something bad that makes you feel sick only at certain times......ughh....
sorry to load this on you all..

20-01-08, 22:59
This has happened to me twice at my boyfriend's house, both times it's because I've been too hot or too cold in bed, and woken up panicy and scared.

I'd say it was definitely anxiety :hugs:

21-01-08, 08:05
hi, im hoping someone can help me with this...

ive been doing so well lately, then last night, i wake up in the middle of the night, and boom.......soon as i wake, im feeling like im gonna throw up....badly, so badly, i wake my hubby, get him to get a bucket, and my body is covered with sweat...i felt so so sick, i was sure i was going to throwup. ....waking up this morning, i feel ok......?????? now im freaking out as to what is wrong with me....

ive had times recently when ive been woken from deep sleep before and its made me feel a bit sick and dizzy....just not like this..never badly nausious and in cold sweats......

can anyone help at all...is it anxiety? if i was ill wouldnt i still feel just as bad today?..... im freaking its something bad that makes you feel sick only at certain times......ughh....
sorry to load this on you all..


This has happened to me several times over the last 3 months, not sure why it happens but I have put it down to anxiety because I'm sure our bodies are still stressing, while we are sleeping.


21-01-08, 09:43
Dear Peach,

I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. This has happened to me, a handful of times, in the past. I won't bore you with any long stories, but just offer something that may help out.

After struggling and worrying myself to death after the first couple of times that this happened, I decided to "divide and conquer". I had to find out whether it was specifically a physical problem, or a mental/emotional problem. I went to the doctor, had a full and complete physical check-up, and then found out that it was an anxiety, panic attack, and OCD, issue. That was fine for to me to know because at the very least, I had started to get the problem isolated.

All of the nausea, gut-churning, and sweats ended up as the result of the anxiety and panic attacks. The OCD came into play, when I would obsess over all the things that could be causing this. I was given many different kinds of meds, and even combinations of them. To date, none have really made a tangible difference for me, but I am still working on that. Although, Zoloft and Inderal helps me a little for stability.

The interesting thing is, from the time that I went to the doctor and found out what it was, till this day, I have only experienced this only one time (It was at a time when I was suffering from a "dangerous" amount of severe depression and anxiety. That time span is roughly three years. So, in effect, learning this has really helped me to understand that subconciously, I was taking a mental and emotional problem and making it a physical problem. Even while I slept, any problems, bad memories, and/or worries, were replaying over and over in my thoughts, much like having a nightmare. For many of us who struggle with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc., this is one of the symptoms. I never had really thought about this until I did a vast amount of research about what can cause my body to go through this. It is amazing to me, how closely related the mental and physical aspects of the human body truly are.

This is not to say that you couldn't be dealing with a real physical or chemical issue, but that is why it might be a good idea to find out. This is the "divide and conquer" starting point that I was mentioning earlier. Then, you and your doctor can work on taking the next step.

Well, I hope that I was able to offer something helpful here. I sincerely hope you begin to feel better as soon as possible. Please take good care of yourself...


21-01-08, 11:18
thnx for your replies....

my hubby thinks its because i ate a mouthful of ham a few hours before that was on its way out, it smelt and tasted fine, but i do have a really sensitive stomach and have suffered food poisening from meals others have eaten and been fine. i beleive this is from when i went to india years ago and got amebic dysentry at the time. since then ive gotten ibs, and my gut has just never been the same...

newdawnfades- your right, i do need to get all tests done, i have such a huge needle phobia and am terrified of results ive put it off...i go to see my doc every month or so, so i see her heaps, and she has done blood pressure, temp, etc.....she says im fine and if anything bad was wrong we would have known about it, ie: my symptoms would be much much worse + other symptoms would show. i do trust her, but hubby says i should get blood test to make me feel sure about it all, and thinks anxiety will go away then.
i dont beleive this- lots of ppl on here have had all manner of tests, yet they still think the same way as me. i will go for blood if my doc thinks i really should, not easy, last time- two years ago i had blood test- i went into shock and the pain was intense........
in all honesty ive only just started being able to go to the docs on my own, and got my eyes tested a month ago, and am working guts up to get pap and skin check, then dentist....etc....so it will have to be a little at a time for now is all i can handle.....last year i was agorophobic, and ive just managed to finish univeristy degree, so im kinda stuck.......im pushing when i can manage, even tho living as i am now is hell at times....as for the meds, i tried one, and it made me feel so sick and messed up.....never again.......

i was told today that you can give some hair for testing, and its very accurate and works like a blood test......

21-01-08, 12:41
:) hi peach, i just wanted to ask you, do you think that maybe this is because of your new job? are you taking the job? if so do you think that could be wha tis at the root of this? i am due to start a course at the beginning of feb, and now i am due on my period my anx has gone sky high again, so things i was doing last week just dont seem possible to me now, and i have an interview on wednesday and i am currently dreading it. do you think it could be this for you as well? emma:winks:

22-01-08, 09:28
hi emmas,

your just the nicest person, and im so glad i met you in here, your support has just been a beacon of light for me.......i hope sometime i can repay the favour.....

you may be right...my anxiety has gone up, my sleep is bad again...and i still havent heard about the job......i was called today as they wanted a 2nd reference to call, then never called me back...i know my refs would have been good, so im starting to get a bit bummed out about it.....

i wish there was a ibs section here for ibs people to chat because my stomach is so so sensitive- food makes me sick if its slightly off.......and of course its started to worry me now...been waking up in the night panicking about it.....amoung other things.....

i really appreciate your kindness to me on here and i think everyone should know what a lovely person you are...
thanks again, ill keep you posted...

good luck for your interview, and im sure you will do great! you will be fine with the course too, if i could do it, then you can too- i have all the faith in the world for you.