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20-01-08, 23:36
When I've felt frustrated or overstressed, I get anxious and depressed. My thoughts will turn to a sense of hopelessness and despair. My fears become mountains I can't climb and my depression as deep as the valleys below. I can find no enjoyment in all around me so focus within.
In the past I found stress would lead me to look for things wrong in my health which in turn made my anxiety worse, keeping my anxiety in a repetitive cycle, seeking reassurance before the next fear arose.

When we feel too stressed in our jobs, we Must look for a job we Enjoy.
If we're not happy at home, we Must look for ways to change things or if we feel unable to, to look for Enjoyment in things we Can obtain.

If we don't allow ourselves Enjoyment in life and things to look forward to, we will keep ourselves trapped, frustrated, stressed and depressed.

When we find Enjoyment and give ourselves things to look forward to, which could start as simply as having a favourite drink at night or treat ourselves to a special dinner, then our mood will lift and our fears will feel less intimidating.

If we wake in the mornings with nothing to look forward to, we're defeated before we start because anxiety will keep us trapped for the rest of the day.

If we wake thinking I'm really looking forward to.....then we focus on that Enjoyment rather than the anxious feelings caused by dread.

If we look for Enjoyment in Living, we don't focus on fearing the worst.

How many of us wake with the first thought being a feeling of fear? How many of us wake with the first thought of something we're really looking forward to?

Job satisfaction is So important. If we Enjoy our job, we'll Want to get up.

Even if we're indoors, we can Still find Enjoyment in doing something such as a hobby, by joining a club or talking to a friend.

If we focus on fear, fear will rule us. If we focus on finding Enjoyment, we'll focus on Enjoying ourselves and allow the future to be what it will be.

We all need Something to look forward to but so often we give up and crawl into our shells but we Can find Enjoyment in ourselves or from others and we Can ease our stresses. We just have to find the motivation to make changes or to reach out to find Enjoyment and then you'll be amazed by the roll on benefits in reducing our anxiety symptoms!

20-01-08, 23:44
So True Bill So True...........may I Say You Inspire Me.thanks For Ya Post...............linda X

21-01-08, 18:48
I need to focus more of the enjoyment I get out of things in my life. I have things to focus on which give me pleasure and they are a good distraction from the anxiety.

I am setting up my own business - this is hard work but it is satisfying every time a little bit of it gets done :)
My wedding plans are coming on and most things are now organised which I feel happier about.

Rather than putting things off because I cant face doing them, as they seem too daunting, I am trying to just get on with them now and it gives me a greater sense of achievement and avoids the "list" from building up and causing me stress.

I am looking for a new job at the moment, so I'm not happy in my current job but as long as I keep making efforts to move, this helps me feel more positive. In the meantime, its not THAT bad and I can cope with it.

Sometimes we get so swamped with our anxiety and our negative feelings that we become blind of the things we used to enjoy and the things we can do to distract ourselves.

My personal method, is to tell myself to "get off my butt" because there are things to be done. And like Bill said, we shouldnt fear doing things, its just a fear, its not something we can touch.

Its never as bad as we think it will be, so we should face our fears xxxxx